Lunge input delays?

For some reason, as I'm chasing, and trying to lunge with my M1.... It simply won't come out! This had happened numerous times in chases that I would then lose. It's easy to call lasg switchingon the survivor side... But nearly every survivor?I just doubt't that. This has happened to every killer so far, and my connection shouldn't be to blame? Im clocking in over 600mbps DL, 300mbps UL Google fiber. Anyone else having issues?


  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994
    edited December 2018

    Survivor lagg has zero effect on the killer, when the killer is the host. Thus, it is only an issue in KYF, when the killer is not the host. There are some bugs in the game that have gotten worse with the last update, where controls get stuck. I’ve only seen it on the survivor side, where crouch won’t exit, or it keeps going into crouch until the killer hits you. That issue might be lagg related, as it only happens when the killer has a bad connection. If you’re using WiFi, switch to a wired connection. The difference is like night and day. It is impossible for any WiFi system to maintain a stable gaming connection, due to the way that WiFi works.