Gives survivors a Third health state

This is just a random thought I had and wanted to know how the community might feel about this topic negative or positive!
Giving survivors a third health while yes it would make it more difficult and take longer for killers to down survivors, you add adjustment such as giving less pallets or increasing the time it takes to repair a generator to make it more balanced.
The way a third health state would be implemented would be making a healthy state, a deep wound state, and then an injured state.
Healing in the injured state would put you back into the healthy state so you don’t have to heal twice, but with a third health state healing might be need to be nerfed, this depends.
The deep wound state would be the same as it is now but killers could have new add ons, or even powers to counter deep wound.
For Example with Legion you can add his older self being able to bring the state down but only then to put them in the injury state where his power won’t be in affect in downing a survivor.
Trapper wouldn’t be able to down survivors completely but put them in the injured state so they have another chance to run away
I won’t go over all the killers but just some of the ideas.
All comments are appreciated!
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this will be just another buff for bully swf, after the update with 1 totem, the healing time is 8 seconds shift w chasing without pallets and windows takes 30 seconds for the m1 of the killer, and now imagine that the survivors have 8 seconds of healing and at the same time they have 3 stages of health , 3 survivors can simply run around the map and take hits one after the other while the remaining one repairs the generator
and this is weak example, let's remember that we have absolutely surviving maps where even without pallets you can run for a long time
so no
3 Health condition should mean a significant buff for the killer
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Look at Nemesis, that shows you how third health state looks like.
It's bad for him, it would be even worse for other killers.
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Would 3 health states but you are dead on 2nd hook (and somehow killers can’t tunnel the person out) be viable for both sides?
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You already have a third health state, it's called Dead Hard.
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Yes and I completely understand! That why I mentioned that killers would have to be changed in some way to fit a three health state system! With Nemesis I would either add more zombies or make it where his whip/tentacle always brings a health state down. Otherwise if you did just add a three health state system without any change the game would be terrible and hard to play😅
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Yes and I thought of the same thing too! Which is why I thought it would be better to add a third health state instead and possibly make dead hard more of a perk to make extra distance from the killer or to just dodge an attack, so you can technically say it’s sprint burst you can activate at anytime!
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Yes with three health states this would be completely terrible! That’s why if something like this was to be added you would need to change a lot such as how fast you can heal, how much time it would take to repair a generator, how killers can damage you. So much would be needed to be changed to make it balanced. That’s why this is more of an idea then an needed change!
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So you would basically have to rebalance whole game...
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Yes ! Which is why this is more of just an idea then something that is needed in the game. Because if you were to rebalance to whole game it would take a lot of time, but in the end however behavior would handle it, it would possibly feel like a new game! But like I mentioned DBD doesn’t need to many changes but I like to throw some ideas like this, as I have mentioned in some post before about killers being able to easily break pallets and survivors being able to repair them because of such change.
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🤣🤣 Yup that was me, I made the mistake of not putting those two together making it confusing and overpowered for one side of the party!
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So much would have to change
Gens: would either have to take longer or have the Survivors/ Killers inputs adjusted
Healing: same as Gens
And a lot of perks would have a change or 2 involved
But what if Deep Wound was first and not mending will leave the Survivor injured but if they mend in time they go back to healthy
So the Killer has to keep up the chase and the Survivor has to get away and mend... I know that would make Hit and Run extinct... but numbers can change
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Absolutely and nothing else🤣 But yes killers are struggling a lot especially killers like trapper or wraith being out date and with survivor perks always being Dominating over killer perks and abilities. I make more of these extreme types of post to see how to community would feel them. None of these changes are needed😂
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Absolutely! If this was released in the current stage of DBD killers would have no advantage at all. That’s why I had some ideas such as making it more easier for killers to break pallets or even lift them up instead of breaking them which would be twice as quicker then breaking a pallet!
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They could make this viable but you would literally have to redo every map and killer to let killers keep up.
This sounds like more a whole new game instead of a change. Maybe dbd 2?
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Well those ideas would make decent perks... but in the end it would take BHVR to not release a chapter (for once) and do everything that needs to be done in order to do everything we (they) wanted (needed)
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You already have a third health state: it's called dead hard.
And there's a really good reason why it is getting nerfed - because it's op as hell.
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I thought of building my own game before and don’t have any funding or experience to make them so that’s why I mostly throw my ideas into DBD, I would love to be technically a competitor but with how last year ended up it seems difficult with how DBD is in a loved/hate relationship with the community 😂
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Yes my apologies! Some of my post for killers don’t get noticed too much and additionally I don’t have too many ideas for the killers, yet😁
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'Exposed' effects would make this weird.
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Yes and I completely agree but in other words they would make killer and perks that use the exposed status effect more useful!
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You would have to completely rebalance the entire game from the ground up for this to work. It's already bad enough with current Dead Hard basically being a third health state and that's not even guaranteed to work all the time.
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Yes as I completely agree! I have mentioned to another person in the community that DH would be just a dodge perk or an push to activate sprint burst . I will most likely make a big discussion post with all of the giant changes to DBD I have thought of so they aren’t singular and seem more balanced with one another or the complete opposite!😂
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In theory I would love to be a dev and work on a this game or another but I've seen the sheer level of crap people throw at them about things that aren't even important or a problem so I don't think I'd actually enjoy it.
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Absolutely! I thought of it myself as well ! This has already happened with the community getting upset and disrespecting the devs for just making an update to the graphics on killers and survivors to make them look better which why now they don’t do it anymore