Gives survivors a Third health state

This is just a random thought I had and wanted to know how the community might feel about this topic negative or positive!

Giving survivors a third health while yes it would make it more difficult and take longer for killers to down survivors, you add adjustment such as giving less pallets or increasing the time it takes to repair a generator to make it more balanced.

The way a third health state would be implemented would be making a healthy state, a deep wound state, and then an injured state.

Healing in the injured state would put you back into the healthy state so you don’t have to heal twice, but with a third health state healing might be need to be nerfed, this depends.

The deep wound state would be the same as it is now but killers could have new add ons, or even powers to counter deep wound.

For Example with Legion you can add his older self being able to bring the state down but only then to put them in the injury state where his power won’t be in affect in downing a survivor.

Trapper wouldn’t be able to down survivors completely but put them in the injured state so they have another chance to run away

I won’t go over all the killers but just some of the ideas.

All comments are appreciated!
