Rant time!

Gorik Member Posts: 175
edited April 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

BHVR can you please, please, pleeeeeeease give harsher bans for people intentionally DC-ing.

To many time I get Survs who go down because they loop like a tea pot and DC because of it because they can't accept that they might have been the issue, so they ruin the game for everyone else.

Some one tell me, whats the point in queuing up for the match and then DC-ing because your not getting your own way.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    Most definitely needs to be harsher.

  • James4125
    James4125 Member Posts: 266

    I'd have agreed with you at one point. I'd even been known to say that habitually intentionally DCing should result in a permanent online ban for the players entire home network! Two things made me drastically reconsider.

    Firstly hackers. The single best way to deal with hackers is for every single other player to leave the game immediately. Doesn't matter what game. Doesn't matter what team. If hackers have nobody to play with they won't be able to play at all.

    The second is the last few chapters. Garden of misery. Eerie of crows. Literally every single thing about skull merchant. Every single part of these is so far from fun in any sense of the word that I'd actually encourage DCing just on the slightest glimmer of hope that the devs realise just how bad they are.

  • Hunkulese
    Hunkulese Member Posts: 422

    It should start at 5 or even 10 minutes and then go up drastically from there. If it's a legitimate issue, 5 minutes isn't a big deal and gives you time to diagnose what happened. Even if it's a legitimate issue, if you're disconnecting from 3+ games in a night, you need at least an hour-long ban because you're still ruining games for everyone else.

  • Hunkulese
    Hunkulese Member Posts: 422

    That's the way it is now, but it starts at a minute, which isn't even a deterrent.