Hag Is Going To Get Bullied Like Trapper

Now that anyone can remove her traps now you’re going to see a lot more players who are just going to follow her & spend the entire match wiping away her traps just like with Trapper. 😕
There should be at least a noti when someone disarm her traps, of course the disarm noti must be different to the triggered one.
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You follow a hag and remove her traps on live. You can just keep triggering them so she can never set up.
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hag 110 so it gonna be even more torture to deal with the survivor tailing you. On the other hand tho i kinda don't care for her boring/super territorial style of play
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The difference is you can teleport to those one’s and potentially punish, that’s not the case when you wipe them away.
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Wiping them away takes a few seconds, not to mention the survivor has to crouch first. It's really not going to hurt Hag anymore than it does now as coordinated survivors can already make her traps useless.
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Does anyone even play Hag? I haven’t seen a Hag in several months, at least
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As Crowman said you can do that now by just triggering them. Every match I play as a hag most of my traps is triggered and dealt with when Im carrying/hooking someone. So I don't see this new wipe mech hurting no more than ppl walking over your traps and running away.
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I find her insufferable to face as a solo survivor.
Was actually worried this change would make Hag more viable, but I'll be more than happy to hear it plays out as a nerf.
As with many killers now, the "I'll place this here, then you need to leave the loop or give me a free hit" style of play is dull and unengaging. I wish they would rework Hag
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Not really. Hag is slow, they run far away fast if you are too slow, people waiting till you pick up, etc. I feel like you've never played hag against a team that actually knows what they are doing.
Also, re: trapper, hag - I don't consider having counterplay and survivors disarming or removing traps as "bullying" and I feel it's a bit of a stretch.
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Not agreeing with the term "bullying", but I do think it's time they make Hag 115% or throw her some sort of bone.
She's too slow to be a vanilla chaser, yet competent survivors can reduce her to worse than M1, already could before and post ptb every lobby will be able to.
Hag is great and saying she lacks counterplay was a straight out lie, so... looking forward to seeing compensation for this, because now she literally only will have 3gens.
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Hag needs help she is probably worse than Trapper after this update. She already were overrated and mediocre at best. Only very good agaist solo teams.
Problem is she is played so little so we have the Twins situation were nothing will happen and Hag will get no love from devs.
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Hag was already the biggest pub stomper on the roster. She presents an IQ test for the survivors and not much else. She straight up can't win if players are smart with their pathing. Run early and hold W up edge map away from her 3 gen. She can't down you without losing a gen because you'll make it all the way across the map due to her being 110. Unfortunately you're almost always going to have 1 or 2 teammates in solo queue who try to run to a jungle gym or shack for absolutely no reason and go down in basement. Everyone is loop-brained. Thus, her kill rate is high.
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That's why when you play trapper you use the addon that injures a survivor when they disarm a trap and the one that downs a survivor that gets out of the trap by themselves. That makes Trapper actually dangerous.
Hag dosnt have those kind of addons sadly
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Isn't that the issue? She should be receiving changes that would motivate players to want to play as her, instead she is being made unplayable
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I don't believe Hag will be receiving any positive changes coming forward. From what I've seen, the devs don't have it as a priority to motivate players to play other killers, outside of the most powerful ones. With every update, it seems that the strongest get stronger and the weakest, weaker.
I keep hoping that other killers would be made more playable with mid-chapter updates, but that isn't happening.
I was hoping Billy would get a nice rework, so I can get to see him more, but nah. Same with Hag.
With the next mid-chapter, a lot of killers will be getting slight buffs and Hag a nerf. I've already made up my mind on not playing her. And since it seems half the play base is hellbent on playing the Resident Evil killers, I will be too. Nemesis - super easy to play as. I would say even the easiest killer in the game to learn and effective.
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the animation is about 3 seconds
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just give her mint rag basekit already. It’s too good to be an add-on and simultaneously not overpowered enough to make any considerable changes to it.
She is a 110 killer, she needs some dynamics outside of being able to Triggered traps really fast. Giving Mint Rag mitigates her biggest flaws with chasing while not giving her an oppressive chase because she’s still slow personally and relies mostly on hit & run (an aspect of her kit that is naturally buffed by way of COH and medkit nerfs, at least).
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I'm not saying mint rag is an op addon but making it base kit 100% is
Hag doesn't need that kind of addon. Even with these proposed changes she's still, as someone said above, a complete pub stomper. And trapper being weak is sort of irrelevant to what I was trying to get at, which is that I a) resent the term "bullying" because (as someone who was bullied extensively for years) isn't comparable or accurate to say b) and even if it was, the in game mechanic to disarm traps aren't bullying.
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Mint Rag basekit would be complete overkill. Stacking haste relative to placed traps is something they could look into i.e. getting faster as she places more traps. Something like +0.3 or 0.4ms for every trap on the map up to 10, and then back down as they go off or get disarmed. She's tough to balance because she's very strong until you get into bleeding edge MMR/comp, and then she's a bit of a joke.
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nothing really changed for hag at top-level. only her low-mid mmr strength was decreased because the character is easier to counter.
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Yeah she could use some love after this update...although I think that's the case for about half the killers (such as demo, hillbilly, Trapper, sadako, and myers).
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Completely unnecessary change for hag, but ofcourse crouching over them is just not enough.
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She could already kinda be bullied by someone running around and intentionally triggering all your traps while you're trying to chase someone else. This will just make her camping less effective, which was a much needed change imo.
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This might end up being the Flashlight-Paradox where the person who's urban evading your traps is doing no gens and being more of a nuisance than hardcountering your ability. Oh and remember that flashlights used to do this With Range, so it seems bad but will be equal to how it is now
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I will say, nurse should have kept being impacted by flashlights between blinks. No reason to make her stronger
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I'm only playing her with add-ons that make her copies solid and survs deaf for 6 seconds. Nothing like blocking shack for overconfident surv.
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I've played Hag a lot and the trap changes are a significant buff. Overall, it's significantly easier for survivors to remove traps with flashlights. You have to remember that survivors must crouch to reach the trap without activating it to remove it. Removing the trap will literally take 8-10 seconds now. Survivors also are no longer able to remove traps with flashlights during loops, which is a massive buff.
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I feel this made Hag stronger. Time will tell. As a Trapper main, I dont think she'll have issues. If they're all wiping her traps, literally no gens getting done.
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She is already pretty easy to destroy. A brain with more than two neurons is required though.