Uh forum feedback situation, my post got taken down for editing too many times...?
I'm relatively fired up, and so it could also be that i said something a mod was not okay with and decided to take it down, but i also used that good ol fashioned edit feature like 5 times, is that a no-no?
I have the general concept of updating the main post with reactions and important rebuttals to peoples comments, is that generally not how youre supposed to do it? or maybe just take it easy and avoid the edit spam, letting it cool off in between or whatever?
It says it needs to be approved, so i imagine its just a precautionary thing, but whatever i can do to avoid that happening in the future i would like to know<3
Best Answer
Often editing/posting in a short span of time can trigger the spam filter and then a mod needs to manually approve your post/edit
The post is back up, i assumed at the point i noticed also being the point i clicked 'save' wasnt inherently a coincidence, if im the only real person that has encountered this in a while then thats great but as far as i can tell the takedown could have just as easily been a temporary glitch with the servers that resolved itself as it could be a "Too Many Edits" causality