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Plague Rework

TheVolgun Member Posts: 34
edited April 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I wanted to see what everyone thinks about this potential rework for plague.

I feel like it goes without saying that Plague is a pretty strong killer, he pressure and abilities both in and out of chase are some of the strongest in the game. Something I've always thought about her is the fact that she doesn't really have counterplay, in the sense that the way you "counter he power" just give her a better version of it.

The rework is essentially making it so, when all available pools have been used that is how she gains her corrupt vomit.

So rather than her being able to walk up to and interact to gain her corruption, she automatically gets it when all pools have been used. I do know this is already a mechanic which is kind of why I think this change would work seeing as it is literally already in the game.

This would give the survivors a decision, either cleanse and give her the better version of her power or don't cleanse and remain injured and broken.

While this already is how people play against plague she still has the option to get her power anyway via the 1 pool of corruption she has by default which can be more (up to 3 in think) if she runs both apple addons.

Let me know what y'all think.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    Plague feels too strong and lacking counterplay to me.

    However, I'm no expert and I'm an average at best survivor. Most people seem to argue that she's in a good place right now.

    I feel like what you're offering would make her a little bit like Legion or Sadako in that her "full" power would be rarely achieved against good teams, which I don't know how to feel about.

    Also, if she had her black vomit for the rest of the game while people are still healthy, that would be a bit broken. That thing is like a machine gun.

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,081

    I would rework her to allow her better access to Corrupt Purge. I find it boring to play as an M1 killer all game if survivors decide not to Cleanse.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,454

    This achieves nothing other than making her weaker

    As many have said Plague is in a fine spot at the moment, she doesnt need any changes

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,270

    This...this isn't a "rework". This is an outright nerf.

    She doesn't need a nerf. You need to learn how to play better against her. How about you go play her for a few hundred hours and see that it's not as easy to play her as it seems.

  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021

    Plague's greatest issue is the godawful hitbox for her puke projectiles, I swear they keep hitting survivors since I can hear them scream but they don't get infected at all. And it's even worse if you get this type of issue while trying to use her corrupt purge.

  • Zenislev
    Zenislev Member Posts: 156

    Survivors will not be content until every single killer has been neutered huh? If any killer's power presents even a minor inconvenience, or forces them to maybe have to make a tricky choice, it has to go.

  • devotedDBDenjoyer
    devotedDBDenjoyer Member Posts: 269

    as a plague hater i agree

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,655

    Yes! I swear this happens to me, where I’m clearly hitting a survivor with a bunch of puke, the survivor is making the “I’m getting puked on” noises, but they aren’t getting infected.

    I’m not even sure if it’s some sort of latency issue, or if Plague’s puke infection code has bugs, and sometimes just doesn’t work.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,655

    Yes! I swear this happens to me, where I’m clearly hitting a survivor with a bunch of puke, the survivor is making the “I’m getting puked on” noises, but they aren’t getting infected.

    I’m not even sure if it’s some sort of latency issue, or if Plague’s puke infection code has bugs, and sometimes just doesn’t work.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,257

    Plague is in a good spot. No changes needed.

    No. She is fine the way she is. It's good one of the abilities actually behaves as if it has server validation. This way inevitable "benefits" of bad ping are evenly split between killer and survivor (usually as survivor you can get hit 3 steps away from window, because vpn + worse reaction time for survivor). With plague u don't get unfair hit, but still get unfair reaction time to make up for it.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,655

    If my screen shows me do an entire full puke on a survivor, and the survivor is making “getting puked on noises”, then this goes well beyond normal validation rules.

    This is well beyond the “it looks like I clipped a survivor for 0.25 seconds of corrupted puke, but they didn’t get hit”, this is entire pukes we’re talking about.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    So for players who don't know how to play Plague:

    -don't cleanse till you are dead hook if possible.

    -once someone cleanse, everyone should cleanse.

    -if she is close to you and want to vomit, crouch next to her.

    It's not really hard.

  • randonly
    randonly Member Posts: 456
    edited April 2023

    She can even be in a "good" spot between swf that has in-game communication to share her location.

    But among Solo Survivors, an average plague can easily dominate the match with little effort using 3-gen strat, and there is no way to avoid being infected, since the addon combo leaves the generators infected for more than 1 minute.

    Anyway, it forces everyone into a lose-lose situation, and in the best of analogies it's like playing with noed the whole game without being able to cleanse the totem, because if it's going to be worse, what eventually in soloQ do you have to do to save a hooked person with everyone infected.

    2 core healthy state is fundamental in the game, specially in SoloQ, given nobody have radar on the killer to play safe and share among others basic things like correct positioning in chases, build used by the killer, etc.

    it's no wonder she's in the top 5% MMR with the highest kill-rate, given that most lobbys are Solo survivors.

    And I almost forgot, if by chance you dominate the match and manage to win in SoloQ against the plague, you can forget about pip (at least in silver rank and up), since your emblem in the benevolent category is practically zero.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,257

    I agree with PIPs.

    Don't agree with single health state - the thing is, if you don't cleanse, her only power is basically "you are injured whole match". So the game has 2 equal things broken - killer has no power being true and pure M1 killer only, but you have just 1 health state instead of 2 (with exception to her 1 fountain or 2-3 with addons). IDK, but that sounds fair to me. Like don't get me wrong - she is very strong. But it's not like you autoloose against her without any possible counter.

    That's what I said. In my screen, I see that I jumped the window and went way far away from it. But even if this is the case, killer is still able to hit/down me which is pure and utmost bullshit... There's no going around this - there will always be someone that gets screwed over by bad ping.

    The only fair thing that can be done is to actually split it between both sides - so each side gets screwed over a little, but none of the sides gets screwed over a lot (also if 1 side gets screwed over a lot and the other side just benefits - you get the problem of people intentionally VPN-ing into distant servers just to have bad ping=easy games)

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,655

    Ok let’s try this again. I’m not talking about a single hit…. I’m talking about fully inhaling an entire action bar of puke, and puking the entire action bar, where my screen shows the puke hitting the survivor, and I’m hearing the survivor make “getting puked on” noises. So we’re talking about over 1 full second of Plague hitting a survivor, but the game not registering the hits.

    When the puke bugs, she could even shake her camera from side to side, so the puke sweeps such a large area that it’s just not possible for the survivor to dodge the puke….. but the game still sometimes doesn’t register the puke hits.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,257

    Ok. Of course I agree to that one. And even if I do play plague quite some (not a lot lot), it never happened to me. So I never knew something like this could happen.

    Actually it would be best to have a clip about it and report it in bug section of this forum. I absolutely agree that outright bugs like that should be fixed

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,655

    Unfortunately my video card isn’t the best, and I take a performance hit if I record matches, so I usually only record if I know something will happen.

    And the Plague issue is very rare, and even when it happens it seems like it’s only bugged out against one survivor in those games. The only reason why I’ve seen it recently is because survivors have been spamming medkits ever since the PTB patch notes were released, so I’ve been on a Plague-a-thon.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,655

    Unfortunately my video card isn’t the best, and I sometimes take a performance hit if I record matches, so I usually only record if I know something will happen.

    And the Plague issue is very rare, and even when it happens it seems like it’s only bugged out against one survivor in those games. The only reason why I’ve seen it recently is because survivors have been spamming medkits ever since the PTB patch notes were released, so I’ve been on a Plague-a-thon.

  • Slan
    Slan Member Posts: 306

    I do not think Plague needs a rework. She is strong, yes, but lacks map pressure. She can be quite predictable at times. Her corrupt purge can be avoided, not easily though, but it is possible. She is weaker in certain loop structures, especially the ones with tall walls.

    Also, I have not seen a plague in ages, and that may be a lot from someone who played against twins once this month.

    I do not think she needs a rework nor a buff. In fact, I would not touch her at all yet.

  • randonly
    randonly Member Posts: 456
    edited April 2023

    You end up promoting a taboo-centric fallacy that systems can't be messed with because they've always been the form x y z. So, Just because plague is an m1 killer doesn't mean that she's intrinsically weak and this already works as a form of counterplay. By the game's stats, m1 killers have high kill-rates, like sadako. So, saying that the killer is m1 bc of that, is weak and using that as a basic justification, it's the same as nothing.

    And her power in its basic form already does a lot that goes beyond being a mere m1 killer, so, it does not bring any disadvantage to her, on the contrary, it brings advantages of leaving everyone broken without having to aim or be physically present near the survivor, in addition to serving as a track on survivors and infecting scenery and generators, and if you using the pools as survivor, you give >>MORE ADVANTAGE<< to her, plus the ease of stacking with slowdown gen perks like thana which remains strong on her aroun 3-gen.

    So, in short, all m1 killers work around loops just like plague, and not giving access to her AOE is not COUNTER, because you already find yourself at a disadvantage just by her basic power as survivor, it's like giving NOED to all m1 as a pig or trap and some way to track survivors and if they cleanse the totem, you can turn these killers into ranged ones.

    Anyway, broken is not enough to describe it.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,257

    Believe me I am not. I for example think that nurse shiuld be severely nerfed again - and she should not stay as indisputed best killer in this game, because it was always this way...

    Sadako is not pure M1 killer either (she is, but not in a sense that she has no power in loops). Her invisibility can force you to guess where she is making her a good chunk stronger then plague without power. Same can be said about just anyone, but legion (but he has cheap injures too).

    Also IMO strength of NOED is more in those 5% speed, then in instadown. The reason is, that those 5% are enough to make killers outright win all the 50/50 loops (majority of them). So giving killer instadown vs giving killer NOED are 2 very different things in my eyes...

    Anyway, this is just my experience with the game - and for these reasons I don't see plague being overpowered (or weak for that matter). Feel free to disagree. You have full right to do that :)

  • randonly
    randonly Member Posts: 456
    edited April 2023

    sure, we can agree to disagree about anything, but just a small addendum still in the prior context, yes noed has the 5% speed boost, which makes several loops unsafes, but on top of that, the ping itself, hitbox and dedicated server already supply this lack of 5% speed , which makes it even more obvious why there are 2 core health states (even to benevolent emblem), on top of everything I've said about soloQ and positioning around loops and lack of comms about killer positioning to safe unhooks, break 3-gens, etc.