Toxicity is an overblown issue

It seems to be commonly agreed that Dead by daylight has a toxic playerbase,and while i don't believe they are the most welcoming or wholesome community, I think the situation is either blown out of proportion or misunderstood.

Setting aside the obvious argument of dbd being an asymmetrical game,so it's harder for people to sympathize with each other,it seems like the toxicity label is attributed to perfectly justifiable things.

A survivor blinding you,getting a successful pallet save, sabotaging hooks,bodyblocking etc are perfectly reasonable plays,that i'm surpised even need addressing. Additionally,a survivor begging for attention(Tbagging,shining their flashling),may seem to be toxic,but they might either bait you into a bad chase,or they are simply bored and want some action.

The same mindset applies to killer,the subject of how fun getting tunneled,camped slugged is an entirely different topic,however these actions are not inherently toxic.

What's important is the intent behind the aforementioned actions,which from my experience its not to piss the other side off most of the time.Additionaly in endgame chat its easy to assume survivors are more toxic then killers,however not only are there 4 surv/killer,but one foul survivor is enough to make you attribute the whole group as such(especially since most killers believe every team is a 4 man SWF).

The bit of toxicity that's in the game is perfectly reasonable for an online game to have, most people are simply to sensitive and believe any action the other side makes is a personal attack against them(that's rarely the case).


  • Stroggz
    Stroggz Member Posts: 504
    edited April 2023

    The word toxic became a buzzword that makes no sense. People call it anything that they do not like. There are rules in the game, follow them not to get a suspension, anything else doesn't matter that much.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Even if the entire community held hands and sang kumbaya together they would still be the most toxic community out there.

    The way they treat the devs alone is sad beyond belief.

    I agree that most of the "toxic behaviours" in game aren't really toxic and the intent behind most of them is just winning the game but when people really talk about toxic community of DbD they talk beyond what happens in game

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    edited April 2023

    I generally hate PvP games, and before playing DbD I'd heard about how toxic its playerbase was, and how people were so prone to insult you or try and make your games miserable.

    Upon my first 10 games, I had :

    • Trapper apologizing in chat for terminating me early, proceeds to give me tips on how to play
    • "Sweaty" Midwich Nurse notices I'm a baby and lets me practice my skillchecks without killing me, gives me the escape
    • (As killer) A Jake coming to find me on Midwich after I'm completely lost and giving me a tour of the map, showing me the different ways to go upstairs that I couldn't find before

    And in the next hundreds of hours, many, many positive postgame chats. Players being encouraging, praising, or just joking around. A guy I'd never met before offering to coach me and becoming a very good friend since.

    The community is a lot less "toxic" than people think. It's just opinionated. =)

  • imakepeoplehateme
    imakepeoplehateme Member Posts: 125

    Tbagging at the exitgames,hitting people on hook,letting a slug die for no reason are toxic behaviors,but they are mild.Endgame chat,steam profile comments and any further actions, range from detestable to unacceptable.

    I feel like thats a small loud minority.The average,casual player probably doesn't even interact with the social platforms this game has.They might be aware or twitter,maybe otz and watch a video/post once a month but thats about it.Im willing to bet a good chunk of the playerbase wasn't even aware of the ptb changes.

    I can attest to such behaviour,it's really sweet when the other side shows empathy and concern.It's the best feeling ever when your opponents congratulate your performance or add you to play future games.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,214

    Huge disagree.

    This community has been worse to me than Cod or overwatch