Non-Licensed Killer Suggestion

I think you should create a killer that is a skinwalker/shapeshifter. They could change into any non-licensed character in DBD for a short amount of time. They could do the movements (crouch, point, and ask someone to follow them). While they are in the form of a survivor, they would have no terror radius. The only way you can tell the difference between that killer and a survivor, during that time, would be their eyes. They'd be a color that definitely shows they are the killer (yellow or red would work). While not in survivor form, they have a normal terror radius.
For the trailer, it could show the killer turning into human form, pretending to get on a gen with another survivor, and then the killer slowly turns to look at the survivor, and the survivor sees his eyes and knows immediately.
That is TERRIFYING! I would love that!
Yes, but it needs lot of balance and also chase potential/insta down. A killer with the only abilty to turn into a survivor is cool, but crap in terms of chase potential. You gave me an idea however on how to make a "Shapeshifter", let me jot down some notes and maybe I'll give you a concept of how to make a strong killer "Shapeshifter"
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I’ve already thought of a shapeshifting killer and emailed BHVR about it but they didn’t care too much about it. My ideas were to make the shapeshifter into a character like oni where you have to collect blood to use your power and almost like knight where once you collect enough blood from one survivor you can then switch out between survivors and pick them to shapeshift. As for the chase mechanic it would be like wraith where once you exit your power you get a speed boost
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I apologize if there are spelling / grammar / effects name errors, I'm italian.
This is my idea of the power, with perks. They're just ideas, don't look at the balancing side because I just threw these 3 perks out there as ideas of how I would do them.
Killer: The Actress
Speed: 115% / 4.6 m/s | T.R.: 24 meters | Height: Average
Power: Shapeshift
Her acting prowess fused with the power of the fog allows the Actress to enhance her ability to immerse herself in character. Press and hold the power button to transform into a survivor currently in the trial. While transformed, the Actress doesn’t have terror radius and can see in third person instead of first person. Also, the Actress move at 4.4 m/s while transformed in a survivor and can fake the repairing of generators, healing process or purification of totems. While transformed, the Actress will giggle and gain these powers:
The Actress' ability to act is so surreal that she can alter the scene however she likes. While transformed, the Actress can curse totems with her hexes, falsifying the action of blessing (NOTE: This action can be used to move a curse, in the same way that survivors can move a boon to another totem. It can also be used to resurrect a broken curse. If it's a curse with tokens, the tokens will be halved rounded down);
When the Actress is transformed, she can fake the repair action by performing the Sabotage action. A sabotaged generator will regress instead of proceeding with the repair. Stopping sabotaging a generator will count as having been kicked, but will regress 100% faster. Sabotaging a generator while another Survivor is repairing it, will allow the Actress to ambush the Survivor who is repairing, hitting him and inflicting deep wounds. When a Survivor is healing another Survivor, the transformed Actress can interact with the healed Survivor, interrupting the healing action and causing the healed Survivor to go in deep wound state.
Special ability: It's show time
While transformed, the Actress studies the survivors while pretending to cooperate with them. While sabotaging a generator or healing action and while cursing totems, the Actress will charge up her power. After charging the power, pressing the power button will cause her to go into the "Showtime" state. During Showtime, the Actress has no terror radius, will start singing, and can send survivors she hits into dying state. In addition, survivors of the last stage of the hook, if they are in dying state during Showtime, will be able to be killed by the Actress' exclusive Mori called "Final Act".
Backstage horrors
Your fans want backstage access, only to discover a sad, scary, bloody truth.
After a Survivor is hooked, a circular area of 10/15/20 meters with the grapple in the center will highlight. Survivors in this area are revealed to you with the killer instinct.
Any Survivor who is hit in this area will suffer with the broken status effect. If you stay more than 5 seconds in the "Backstage horrors" area and there is no survivor highlighted by killer instinct, the perk deactivate. If you hit a survivor in the "Backstage horrors" area, you recover faster from the hit by 20%.
Romantic drama
Seeing people collaborate fascinates you... in a sadistic way.
After a Survivor has been healed by at least one other Survivor, the Survivor being healed is exposed for 10/20/30 seconds if he/she move more than 8 meters away from the Survivor who healed him/her. Survivor / Survivors who healed gain 5% haste for 30 seconds after they healed a Survivor, until found by the killer.
“Romantic drama” has a cooldown of 30 seconds.
Masks off
Everyone hides a dangerous double face. However, revealing your true nature in the fog can be dangerous.
While a Survivor has an injured Survivor in his line of sight, the Survivor has 10 seconds to start a healing action on that survivor before his location is revealed with the Killer Instinct for 10 seconds. Additionally, the revealed survivor is exposed for 30/40/60 seconds. "Mask off" does not activate if the injured Survivor that would activate the effect is being chased by the Killer.
Post edited by illNicola on1 -
I'm guessing this will never be a thing :(
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Well, when Legion's trailer was revealed it was assumed that their power would be the ability to impersonate other survivors.
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This thread was necroed so heres my suggestions
The Pyro
The Frost or The Zero
The Necromancer or the wizard
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Years before I started playing DBD I would read the lore of the characters as I kept up with the game since the addition of Myers and found it interesting. Needless to say I didn’t know exactly HOW the game worked I just liked reading the stories and such. Anyway…. When I first read about Legion my assumption was that the four of them had somehow become one being like a killer with 4 personalities. I thought that was really cool and then I met the actual Legion… just a gang of teenagers… oh, that’s… cool I guess.
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I did not know that!
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I like it!
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This sort of killer wouldn't work against swfs. They'd just confirm with each other if it's them approaching. It'd only be affective against solo teams, and BHVR are trying to lessen the gap between swf and solo. This would only widen it.
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I see your point.