Executioner Add-on and basekit changes

MrDardon Member Posts: 3,879
edited April 2023 in General Discussions

Hello everyone. I did those a while back where I went through some Killers and changed them up a bit. This including basekit power, Add-ons as well as their teachables. I randomly stopped as I lost interest in it but decided to revisit my main Killer, the Executioner.

I already did a pass on him but I ultimately wasn't happy with it so I decided to remake it.

1st: Base Power description

I didn't change him from the core design as I think Pyramid Head is a well designed Killer overall. Decently strong with enough counterplay.

2nd: Power Trivia/Stats.

First of all, I reduced the time it takes to charge Rites of Judgement from 1 second to 0.75 seconds. Being able to put your Trails down a bit faster feels better overall, and the current time feels a bit to clunky. I tried to increase the cancelling duration, but that felt way to clunky to use.

Then I re-designed the whole caging system to be a bit different. Uncaging now takes 1.25 seconds instead of 1. Cages should be a punishment (pun not intended) and therefore it makes sense to make them risky.

Instead of 5 metres, the relocation trigger radius has been increased to 10 metres. That way, Pyramid Head cannot stand there with a readied PotD attack to down the uncaged Survivor immediately. Towards that, the trigger timer has been increased to 6 seconds up from 3.5 seconds. That way, the Killer can get out of range in time to not trigger the cage relocation. And the entity progression cooldown has been reduced to 5 seconds from 10. 10 seconds feels way to long to not have any entity progression applied.

Next, the range of the Punishment of the Damned attack has been increased to 9 metres up from 8. Since all of his Add-ons have been revisited, including the range Add-ons, I gave him Wax Doll at base. Also, using PotD now only drains 10 % of the Power gauge instead of 20 %. This just makes it overall better to use.

On top of that, Trails will now stay at the ground indefinitely instead of 75 seconds or until the maximum amount of Trails charges are reached, if so, the oldest Trails will be replaced by new ones. And Auras of Trails are shown to the Killer up to 128 metres now instead of 32 metres. Since Survivors can counter those Trails by crouching, there is no reason to not make them better.

3rd: Add-ons. I won't go to much into detail about the Add-ons. Just tell me what you think.

4th: Teachables.

Simply buffed to be better.

Forced Penance being longer doesn't hurt.

Trail of Torment got a bit buffed but it's identity is still the same.

Deathbound got the stupid 8 metre mechanic removed, Survivors who heal another Survivor will now be oblivious no matter what. This would make the Perk actually usable.

Anyways, that'd be all of it. Tell me what you think or what you would change. Thx if you read it and leave a comment.

Have a nice day/evening. Good bye.

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