is it possible...
To solo queue as a returning player and be matched on a team with other survivors with more than 10-20 hours of game play time? I ask this because I have double pipped roughly 180 out of my first 200 matches back with only about 50 or so escapes and I have not had(am I not exaggerating) a single teammate with a teachable perk.
Not only that but a large percentage don't even have 4 perk slots unlocked and of the 600 teammates or so something like 100 of them didn't even have a single perk equipped. Is there a way to fix this or is this the new norm on this game? I thought a previous update made it easier to progress, shouldn't these players at least have starting perks?
The dead giveaway that most of them are brand new is the absurd number of disconnections and most of them won't do anything except crouch in a hole or corner while injured. It's like their controller or keyboard malfunctions until they are healed(which can only be done by following them to the furthest corner of the map). I don't understand what is going on with matchmaking.
Is there a way to either fix this or rank up fast to play with experienced players? Nothing against people who are new or learning but it's just ruining the fun of the game having every match be a 3v1 as soon as someone is down then having to be a 1 player team because nobody knows proper game tactics or teamwork.
Also, I'm not even top tier and about 15 matches resulted in a killer DC because they found me first and I ran them for maybe 60-80 seconds, most of the time not even using a pallet.