What are the most busted loops in dbd to yall?

This loop is super fun to run when I'm playing survivor but i hate it as killer.
I don't know how many times i got cook up around this loop. If a survivor run over to it and the pallet still up I just leave right away lol.
The dining room window in the main building of that map. Also when the long wall jungle gym spawns with the window facing the shack window on Crotus Prenn. Absolutely disgusting
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Lampkin Lane's main house window loop is very very good. Basically throwing the game unless you've got mobility to follow a survivor (that has a bit of distance) there. Come to think of it, there are lots of busted windows on that map. But all require a little bit of a head start to be used well.
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What are the most busted loops in dbd to yall?
the ones that are only safe tiles connected into each others thanks to the RNG system that still allows those busted setups to spawn to this day , farm maps being the best example (especially cowshed)
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All the houses are like that. The maps a nightmare if u don't 3 gen.
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u would think so lol. behavior cooking up something even better on the next map I'm guessing
If the survivor know it there it pretty much a wrap for that side of the map.
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You know what's worse than a ground floor window like old Ironworks? Let's have that upstairs in Ormond.
But the absolute most stupid main building is Garden of Joy. You have three windows to abuse - of which only one should ever be open.
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The connecting hay/trailer loops on cowshed. If that connects to shack window you’ve basically won the match
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Father Campbell's Chapel God Window when it is facing the Jungle-Gym into Shack set-up.
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Ormond I get but the eyrie building feels super risky if killer bashes in the doors. My first port of call when playing eyrie with demo. Shred. That. Door.