
Well, in my survivor games so far...about 20. The killers are proxy camping the hook and immediately putting the unhooked survivor into deep wound and tunneling them out. It's happened in about 15 out of 20 games. I assume it's happening so the killer can play the entire game without allowing a single dead hard.
In my killer games...it's nice actually only getting stuck in chase longer because of, at max only 1 or 2 successful dead hards all game.
As playing survivor, it's ridiculous how often the killer is tunneling... but as playing killer, it's nice not seeing dead hard nearly as much. Idk, maybe consider putting DS back to 5 seconds. Just a thought.
DH was hardly never an issue if you were an experienced killer, just as the same with dealing with “bully” squads. Killers have been proxy camping hooks and tunneling for years. The worst part of it all is the majority of survivors don’t know how to deal with a killer that just proxy camps the hook all game long. You need to do gens, that’s it. The more survivors that try to go for an unhook and body block early game the easier it is for that killer to snowball the game because nobody is doing gens. Reassurance imo is a god sent perk because that’s 30sec of free gen time. The more gens that get done the less time and window that killer has to obtain pressure.
Im telling you guys, you need to punish killers that proxy camp hooks by slamming gens, 3 gens should be done by the time that survivor hits second state, then 2 survivors come in for the save while another slams a gen. It should boil down to protecting that last survivor with the last gen almost done and opening the exit gate in that bracket..but survivors would rather just get either downed by the hooked teammate trying to unhook or grabbed off trying to unhook or dance around the hooked survivor, waste time and put up a boon by the hooked survivor, etc.. and all that killer is going to do is slug, tunnel the unhooked survivor and hook them again but with 4-5 gens still up rather then only 1-2.. It’s so simplistic and easy that it’s hard 🤔
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Sounds like unlucky issue mixed with soloQ issue. Nothing special. We all have sometimes bad games in row, but we also have some games where killers DC first 5 min or all gens are done within 7 min.
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I understand the logic but slamming gens while someone is camped at 5 gens is boring to almost everyone. Playing to win is just fine but playing to have fun is more appealing. That's why I still think maybe at least change DS to perhaps 4 seconds. Camping and tunneling have certainly always been apart of the game but it's been becoming more and more "standard play" over this past year. And let's not forget that when the survivor sees that everyone is just slamming gens instead of not unhooking, they dc or do their tries and kill themselves. I coordinated team can solve this issue by solos are done for. As I said, idk, I'm just saying what I consistently see.
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Boy would I love to see DS go back to 5 second stuns.
I do think that killers won in this midchapter update, the self healing nerf is very noticeable. So my hopes are that we will see some more improvements to solo queue, and/or nerfs to tunneling and camping in the near future.
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7 minutes?
Perfect opportunity to play Wesker then.
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Lol. Sure, no survivor would ever dc the second they see another Wesker (sarcasm). Which reminds me, can bhvr just end the match and give everyone their add ons, offerings and items back so we can just go next when a survivor dc's in the 1st 30 seconds.
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The current state of DS is bad. 3 seconds of stun is not enough to escape a lot of killers. And also you can't properly combine it with Parental Guidance anymore, because the killer can turn around after only 3 seconds and see where you went, despite not leaving scratch marks or pools of blood.
The DS skill check is still ridiculously small, so many people with laggy PCs/consoles just can't hit it. And if you miss the skill check, then the perk dies for the rest of the match. How fair /s.
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DS kept getting abused and used for offense or to troll the killer, so they changed it. It's too bad the survivors idea of playing to have fun involves trying to make the match as miserable as possible for the killer player, or more of these tools would have been left intact 🤷♀️
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that's dbd for both sides, it hasnt changed