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Is there anyway to have fun with the game?

lostamongechoes Member Posts: 6
edited April 2023 in Ask the Community

I'm relatively new to the game, so I don't have a lot to work with. With that being said I have been trying to unlock all the characters perks one at time. The issue I am having is that it feels like every game is me being hooked & one of these things happens. The killer just sits at my hook till I die, hitting me while I watch. The other survivors just ignore & nobody saves. So I lose out on points anyways. Or my favorite, I get rescued from the hook only to be chased down anyways & thrown back on right away.

I'm not exactly the best at the game but I'm not bad or anything. I understand the objective, I get how to run maps as to not tunnel generators or pallets, but I am always feeling like I'm the constant target for no reason. I don't run flashlights or flashbangs. My build I have is set to repair but it's not like I have alot of perks that help repair fast so mainly use the items & losing them all the time is getting costly. Don't want use a super good one without worrying about losing out anyways.

I'm not sure what to do. It's upsetting that I can't get points to level up if in the first five minutes I'm out the game. I'm not really enjoying the game as I thought I would. I'll get heat for this like " get gud", "it's a skill issue" & that's fine. Constructive criticism is good.


  • lostamongechoes
    lostamongechoes Member Posts: 6

    I also run a somewhat heal setup since I've noticed stealth is kinda pointless in this game but again don't exactly have the perks to run a good heal so I'm using items to help.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    Try to get better at chases when being targeted/tunneled by the killer, maybe use some chase perks if that is your weaker point. Windows of opportunity from Kate is a very good perk for beginners to learn map layouts/vaults/pallet spawns and not run into deadzones!

    Kindred is also a very nice perk so your teammates can coordinate better in case of killer camping you or not and who can unhook you.

    you might also try to find people to play with, which for many people make this game more fun and you know that at least those you play with got your back.

    though, camping the hook and tunneling one survivor only are two very unfun but valid killer strategies. Try to not focus on these matches, and if it is too much, don’t force yourself to play the game if it’s not fun for you. Take a break, come back and see if it is better then. It is possible to have fun in this game, though it is also very much possible to get frustrating matches..

  • lostamongechoes
    lostamongechoes Member Posts: 6
    edited April 2023

    I don't have friends to play with. None of my friends will play this game. They believe it to be evil & represent evil. It's hard to do any of those things if I am constantly losing. Just played a match & the ghostface didn't give any other person a thought just me. Sat right there tbag and hitting me on the hook. This kinda of toxicity makes the game even more of a frustrating thing.

    Post edited by lostamongechoes on
  • lostamongechoes
    lostamongechoes Member Posts: 6
    edited April 2023

    Hard to do anything when this is the turnout. Beginning to feel like I wasted money on this game.

  • CrossTheSholf
    CrossTheSholf Member Posts: 328

    No, at this point I'm so sick of ######### that i'm mostly only playing to make survivors miserable. Unless i'm in a really good mood.

  • lostamongechoes
    lostamongechoes Member Posts: 6

    So because your miserable everyone needs to be? Why though? That seems like a waste of energy & time. If it is that bad for you then take a break.

  • lostamongechoes
    lostamongechoes Member Posts: 6

    I feel like instead of trying to have fun your just adding to the toxic levels the game already has to deal with. It's a game. Meant to have fun. It is the sole purpose of video games. Entertainment & fun.

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,410

    trust me not all games are like this im a killer main "as in i mostly play killer" and i do not like when stuff like this happens

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    I meant you can find people online to play with. Like here on the forums there is a section to search for players. Or on any of the discord servers, one that is semi-official (it’s lead by community but used to be official and the devs/community managers are still somewhat active there I think with announcements):

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    Unfortunately for you, the developers have nerfed most of the good gen regression perks leaving killers feeling like their only options to win is to tunnel or camp.

    So... probably there's not much fun to be had.