Both Killer and Survivor nerfs were deserved, just one small problem... Blight and Nurse


Before anyone comes here and says "you are just an entitled survivor main", I'm a killer, but I also play survivor.

Dead Hard nerf was absolutely necessary, it got the exact two factors that made Dead Hard extremely annoying to play against: The first chase, and having to give up a chase after that survivor has used Dead Hard. Medkits nerf were amazing, I'm now seeing a whole bunch of players bring a medkit with syringe + gel dressing so they have one long heal but the second one is optimal, but at least that takes a lot more resources than before, and if I catch the survivor while the syringe is still applying the effect then they get no value.

Unlike some other people's opinions, I do think that low-tier killers have benefited from those changes, and it does compensate for the lack of slowdown, because chases will be faster and spreading damage actually does something.


Blight and Nurse still exist. Blight had 0 nerfs in this update, and Nurse did get this weird buff regarding flashlights which in my opinion didn't make sense. If it was like the PTB, where there was no lightburn but you could still prevent her from blinking by pointing a flashlight at her, I think it would be fine because that second flashlight interaction was heavily used (at least by more experienced players), but anyway, that's not the real problem here.

Dead Hard was only balanced when used against Blight and Nurse, because those killers will go crazy if you let them. Nurse even with her major nerf some patches ago is still the best killer in the game (at least when talking about basekits) and Blight has the most insane addons in the entire game. Both of them are extremely good at spreading damage and being able to self-heal against them was also a major part of the counterplay.

I obviously don't want those changes reverted, those changes 100% had to happen, but Blight desperately needs a nerf to his addons, and honestly, I don't even know what to do with Nurse at this point, removing the basic attacks to avoid the synergy with Exposed was absolutely necessary but now that Dead Hard will be so uncommon, what's stopping her from only doing her efforts of keeping everyone injured and forcing survivors to choose between healing or working on gens? I really hate to point at a problem without offering a solution but I can't think of any other change to make to her kit without also ruining the experience for the Nurse players. Ofc she is too strong, but we also don't want to repeat Hillbilly's story and nerf her to the point of making her gameplay feel miserable.

Maybe what we need is a new perk with a design that makes gameplay harder specifically for S-tier killers. At first we thought that the first rework for Dead Hard was going to be it but it turned out to be what it was in the end, so probably no more free chase extenders, right? Maybe a perk that gives you buffs when the killer gets extremely fast downs? I have no idea how to even a perk like that without heavily punishing low-tier killers who just played well, it's too complicated, but at the same time, we need a new tool to be used against S-tier killers.

Really, other than that, this is the most fun I've ever had with Dead by Daylight, those are just killer-specific complaints. The only general complaint I have is map offerings which should have been gone years ago and they are now being used more than ever because survivors want to compensate for the lack of crutches with a strong map.