you should be able to heal yourself one health state with a medkit (answered)

You really should be able to heal ONE health state with any medkit. A torch that almost blinds as killer, or a toolbox that almost sabotages a hook would be useless. A medkit that you can't heal yourself with is useless too.
I understand that the recent changes are meant to encourage group healing, but in some cases it isn't possible.
Had a few situations now where we have got the gates open but I am in the map (injured) and somebody is hooked. The other survivors are dead or have escaped. In that situation, I can't do anything, because the killer is guarding the hook.
In this situation just now, I have found a medkit in a chest, but it ran out before I was fully healed. That specific change stops me from healing myself and attempting to save the person on the hook.
If you want to make it super slow to self heal with a medkit, fine, but I should be able to heal myself with it, no matter how long it takes. Sometimes it's necessary.
I understand that I could use the self-heal perk, but it still doesn't explain why a medkit can't heal me.
You can, there isn’t any medkits with less than 24 charges. Did you miss a skillcheck or did the killer have overwhelming presence?
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I've got to add, if you were running Botany Knowledge, you also get a debuff to medkit healing, so the charges won't be enough.
If all that was not the case, and the medkit still did not last longe enough, it was a bug.
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Hmm I am not missing skill checks for sure, I will check what killer perks are on next time ty. It has happened a few times now though, unless they are all playing it. I will check.
If it is overwhelming presence, that means survivors can never heal themselves one full state with a medkit if that perk is on. That's not good lol.
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Ofc, thanks, I am playing that - forgot about the medkit penalty. So I will stop playing that and play self-care - just incase I am on my own and need healing. Sort of goes against what the update was meant to encourage, but I need to self heal sometimes! Ty for the answers.
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Ok, so Botany was the culprit. I incidently checked the math yesterday, with botany you need 34.04 charges for self healing with a medkit. Madkit has base 24 charges, with green addon for extra charges, it's 34, so a tiny fraction too short. Don't know if the game still lets you heal full with it or not.
Instead of self care, you could run bond for finding others to heal you.
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I do think the charges for medkits was a little overkill. I do kinda hope they add some more to them.
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You definitely can get 1 self heal out of all of them. Botany can make it impossible though
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Doesn't help for when you find medkits in chests, but I've been using the basic +8 charges addon when bringin a medkit, just in case there's any efficiency modifiers out there in game, or if killer interrupts me when I'm just starting to heal.
Other than that, CoH is still cool, I've brought it a couple of times in game yesterday and solo teammates have been quick to find the boon to show when they're in need of heals, so it worked alright in that regard, and since I usually play Aftercare, they can find me afterwards if they need anything.
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they should revert the botany changes now that medkits are nerfed
maybe make it slightly less effective, like 25% efficiency bonus instead of 33% (what it was before the change)
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It can't take 34. I've ran BK with a medkit that had bandages and I got the full heal.
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It’s 30 with BK now. So yeah Bandages is enough to cover the difference.
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I'm not 100% certain on the way BHVR does the math, but it's not 34.04. I think it's 28.8.
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Negatives are multiplicative. Positives are additive.
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@thrawn3054 @sizzlingmario4 @crogers271
So how is the math then?
We know it takes 16 charges to heal one health state, and self heal gives 33% efficiency debuff, making it 24 charges.
16 / (1 - 0.33) => 16 / 0.67 => 23.88
So using this formula, when adding Botany with 20% efficiency debuff, I thought it should be this:
16 / (1 - (0.33 + 0.2)) => 16 / 0.47 => 34.04
Of course that woul be additive. If it's multiplikative, like @thrawn3054 wrote, it should be this:
16 / ((1- 0.33) * (1 - 0.2)) => 16 / (0.67 * 0.8) => 16 / 0,536 => 29,85
So it's indeed 30 charges, and bandages should be enough. Good to know ^^
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Thrawn's is right, I was rushing, so it is the last formula you put up Caul.
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Ty for working it out, it is a shame using botany means a basic medkit with no add ons is not enough to heal yourself.
I always take a flashlight so the medkits I use are ones found in chests.
Quite a specific situation but it has happened a few times to me - using botany, in the endgame, I am injured, need to go back into the map to unhook, and I can't heal myself (as a found medkit will run out of charges)
Be nice if they reduce the botany penalty so any medkit without add-ons can be used to self heal without running out of charges.
I have since stopped using botany, which is a shame because I love perks that are "always usable" without needing to do any cleansing, unhooking etc. first.
Ideally they would trade the 33% penaltty for a time penalty and I can go back to using it.