My Idea to balance Dead Hard

IMO dead hard needs changes, but not in numbers but in way of how it is used.

One button, that does not require skill but rather luck, or certain circumstances is not a good mechanic.

  1. Only counter for it is to "wait it out" which is really bad counter, because it just feels unfair whatevery You do.
  2. Its very vurnelable to ping, so even if one use it corerctly it still have a chance to not work, and for both killer and survivor.

My idea is to make dead hard to be activated upon being hit, just like that.


This require some changes.

We can give dead hard some tokens to use example: "dead hard gets one token after unhook"

We can give it some prerequisites that activates it like: "Dead hard activates when chase lasts for longer than 15s". Then first hit will be under endurance. Dead hard deactivates when performing conspicious action.

values are just example, the point here is to make dead hard fair to use.
