No, devs aren’t “favoring” a side

they want balance in their game
This is why people need to play both roles, because survivors and killers both have BS things that make the opposing side miserable.
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The main issue is that this game is nearly impossible to balance. If you are killer against a sweaty 4 man SWF then things aren't gonna go well but if you are in a solo queue game then the killer has more of an advantage due to the lack of effective communication between the survivors. Bronze and iridescent are almost 2 entirely different games when it comes down to player skill and exploits in the system (not like cheating but like baiting swings for campers etc) so as much as they want to make the game fair it's never going to be 100%
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This will always be the cycle of least balanced to most.
solo < Killer < SWF
its always been like this and it always will be, the devs prioritize SWF and doesn’t prioritize solo enough.
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They want to balance it, sure. But the question is whether they have the ability to do it...
The last few patches have been full of contradictory changes. The nerf attempt to Billy was so out of touch, I have NOT SEEN A SINGLE PERSON who agreed with it. It was so weird and unnecessary that literally everyone, Billy and non-Billy players, killer players and survivors, universally agreed - for once.
In the same PTB, they first nerfed the altruistic healing speed of medkit, then ended up buffing it, to higher than it was before the PTB.
Every single medkit add-on was majorly nerfed except for the 2 problematic ones: Styptic and Syringe, which are now even more busted than before since healing takes much longer. Mark my words, it will take BHVR one more year to realize something I can tell you right now, just by playing the game myself.
In the past few months, we've seen game-breaking bugs left unaddressed for several weeks (first Sloppy then Merciless Storm) even though in both cases the bug was 100% reproducible and involved no particular action other than equipping the perk, so killer players could "abuse" it without even realizing it. That's despite the game having a "killswitch" feature that should precisely prevent these cases.
Idk man. Idk.
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But there are things stopping true balance
Maps- most of them are one sided no matter how you look at it
Base game mechanics- everything from Gen regression and progression to what each side can and can not do
Perks- I mean all of them if BHVR wants true balance then we need to start looking for perks that aren't used as much and question why... and if it's "cause X perk is better" then a change needs to be made
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Its pretty clear yeah that there isn't favoring of one side.
As others have pointed out though balance is hard to come by in an asymmetric game. But that's ok too.
One of the big appeals for DBD is that its a bit imbalanced in certain scenarios.
There are very few online games with the kind of finality that DBD has. (MWO is another one, once you blow up its game over).
People may complain about the irksome or annoying aspects of elimination and non-participation (hanging on hook/slugging) but the fact that such a visceral threat exists in game with such finality really captures the slasher flick vibe that the game is emulating.
It takes a bit of imbalance to maintain that and it's a good thing.
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I wouldn't be surprised if some of them facecamp and think it's an okay thing to have
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Dev's favorite side is "money" (which is completely expected and nothing wrong about it), therefore it is still confuses me like how camping/tunneling still in the game or why it is balanced around top-tier tournament player. I'd (in theory, of course, just as example) completely remove camping/tunneling by any means and increased gen repair speed to two minutes.
Main target must be fun, fun is more important than someone's winning.
Also I'd hire some (true, not usual) psychologist and psychiatrists to devise something so losing only one match as a killer would not be so frustrating and survivor match not always should be losing mentality.
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Completely agree. There's plenty of evidence to support this statement but some of the playerbase is just plain ignorant of these facts. They just cover their ears and close their eyes to live in their little bubble of righteousness.
An asymmetrical game is difficult to perfectly balance anyway and for the most part the devs have done well to try and keep a continually changing game as fair as possible.
Besides, we're sadly aware of what some of the playerbase can be like. That guy who got a 1,000 game win streak, then getting death threats and such because of this. Sad, pathetic pricks.
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The devs play both sides 100%. They literally need both sides to have a functional game so to even think they don’t is odd