How to rank-up as survivor?

vesnicak Member Posts: 6
edited June 2018 in General Discussions

Hello guys,

I am playing DBD for 2 years now and never had a problem with rank-uping.But recently, I came back to DBD (after 2 months break) and I have a problem with the new ranking system. I was never a tryhard, but I always tried to do good in games(repairing gens, helping PPL etc.) but I piped like once a 5 games. When the old rank up system was still here, I got like 1 pip per one or two games. So I am here to ask if somebody have tips for a better chance to pip/rank up. Thanks for all answers.


  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    Here's the thing that make you score toward pipping in the current system :
    Repairing gens (if you repair with someone, points are split, so beware.)
    DEstroying Hex totems.
    Escaping the killer (after long chases for more points)
    Escaping, the less you got caught/hooked, the more points you get.
    Saving people from the hook, while they don't get caught for at least 10s after the unhook.
    Healing people.
    Flashlight/pallet rescues.
    Being in the terror radius of the killer. The close the more points you get.
    Rest do not score (unless I forgot something)

  • Trotfoxx
    Trotfoxx Member Posts: 105
    edited June 2018

    Do things + avoid being killed. If you do this, you will pip 80-90% of the time.

    Try to avoid doing nothing, standing behind a rock just waiting. Try to be doing things constantly, escaping, healing, saving, repairing, cleansing totems, opening chests...

  • Well_Placed_HexTotem
    Well_Placed_HexTotem Member Posts: 824
    I cleanse every totem I see, always try to make safe hook saves or at worst help heal the person unhooked if someone beats you to the unhook. Do gens, and try to escape. It’s pretty rare that I double pip but I almost always pip unless the killer tunnels/camps, or I just have a bad match where I don’t do much of anything. And I almost always solo queue and don’t run self care. If you do SWF the pips should roll in.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Dont farm others on hook and you will pip, a pip on survivor side has become a participation reward now (dont know why devs did that)

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,253

    Self care, decisive, adrenaline, sprint burst (+flashlight) and it's almost impossible to de-rank