We are investigating an issue in the game that causes strobing/flashing lights, and are focused on fixing it as soon as possible. Some players may be impacted by this issue and experience discomfort from it, so we recommend taking proper precautions.

And until we fix this issue, we recommend that players with photosensitivity, or who have an epileptic condition or have had seizures of any kind consult their physician before playing.

Looking for a Duo Partner to have fun

ryz Member Posts: 25

not sure if the official forum is a good place to look for someone to play with but im gonna post it anyways.

Hello Gamers,

im looking for a Duo partner or even a full group.

i got 5.000 hours in DBD and im kinda sick of SoloQ 

-be 21+ (im 29yrs old so being around my age would be great)

-be ok-ish at looping (you dont have to be a god but a bit of knowledge would be great)

- do not have Gen phobia

- dont make the bush your home

- if you want to join voice chat you should be able to speak english a little bit

- im from EU (i dont mind playing in US servers if the ping is not that bad

and bring positive energy :)

if you interested either add me on Discord : Ryze#2166

or steam
