
I didn't think I could be any more frustrated with this game but here I am. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the best at this game but it still used to be fun for me. I am not an expert looper and I don't think I ever will be but the way the gameplay is now, you have to be. Healing is atrocious now. Killers strap on nurses calling, deadlock, and any other gen slowing perks and go to town. Also, sloppy butcher and killers now hit and run or hit and slug with minimal consequence. 4ks are regular for my skill level.
No it isn't fun. I will admit that. There hasn't been a fair game since the update dropped and it's been nothing but camping, slugging, and bleeding out. Today there was a nurse that just carried us all out from the exit gates so we couldn't crawl out we just bled out or waited until the timer was up. This is the worst. I am not one to quit a game but there seems to be no viable options when there isn't fair game play. Those who say git good are the ones that face camp or have been playing for years. Not all of us are in a SWF.
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Devs always know best. They were warned this would happen, but went ahead with the update anyway. I think this was their vision tbh.
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ill never understand the healing changes, its just another hold down click mechanic that bores everyone, but now its even worse lol
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Can you upload some of your game play videos to YouTube, post a link here and tag me? I want to see how you are in both roles, especially killer since you state it's easy when that isn't my experience unless the survivors I face are bad.
I'll agree that it's the easier than it's been in the past, and I admit that I'm not great at either role, but I do okay for my MMR.
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TBH the game was more fun when everything was broken on both sides. Before they changed everything during the last anniversary.
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killer not easy gens get done way to fast and no way for killer to defend them othe rthn deadlock.....
someone just made a thread on nerfing deadlock.🙄
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Yeah the healing changes just made the game harder and more frustrating to play solo survivor. I would’ve been fine with the update if it was just a COH and DH nerf
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this game boring joke.
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Not sure where you came up with all of this but I never said nerf killers. I just said the med changes have made it easier for killers to carry just a few perks very effectively. Us casual players are screwed. I actually don't mind the DH nerf but med changes have changed the game completely.
Post edited by Rizzo on9 -
Killers with deadlock, hex ruin, nurses calling and jolt and or scrooge hookers etc are absolutely killing it against casual players. We aren't that good at looping.
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another person added to my list of gameplay id love to see
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Mainly, its the fact that anti-loop killers make this playstyle even better. Knight, Artist, Skull Merchant, Twins and a few others who can just hit then come back later, or even get a double-tap for an instant down. Trying to do much of anything has become much more difficult. They should have just added a healing penalty if you're a SWFs/In a group with another person, that way Solo's would not be affected. Instead, it just makes SWFs stay the same while making Solo Q even worse.
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You're not a casual if you are high MMR, and I say that as someone that is casual and low MMR, but healing with a medkit is still useful and Dead Hard gave me the possibility multiple time to extend the chases by 40 - 60 seconds while making the Killer running away from the gens.
If your Killers does not follow you, then you're definitely High MMR.
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We must be playing different games. I suck at looping and play soloq only, but most of my matches are pretty balanced. Maybe try Distortion if you can't heal in peace?
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Still attacking people over harmless opinions I see
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I'm definitely not high MMR
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Because before you could heal in like 8 seconds? Erasing all pressure and resteing in like a fraction of what that hit took?
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Out of what you mentioned the only good things might be deadlock and scourge hooks, idk if you knew but you can literally nullify jolt with lockers, ruin is a joke of a perk, nurses calling might be better due to healing changes so you are prob right on that one.
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hope you know and other know killers are casual players too.
there 4 survivors to 1 killer too so yea....
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Yeah but it's easy and fun for the casual killers, not for the casual survivors. That's the difference
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Yeah buts easy and fun for the casual killer, not the casual survivor. That's the difference.
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It's all they do under every post, just ignore his profile and you won't see their attempt of quirky posts anymore!
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16 seconds but now it takes so long. just slap on nurses calling and your got your self an easy kill
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not really how fast gens go it not fun for then M1 killer and M1 casual killer
I have no way to defend gens before my first hook 2 to 3 gens are done
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No, I definetly said 8 seconds, before you could do it evenin less with good medkits, also correct me if im wrong but the helaing changes made it so that altruistic healing is still 16s no? What they changed was medkit and self heal speed.
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I suppose I'll conceed
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No it was 16 and now it's 24 with a med kit
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I think the patchnotes beg to differ:
Btw I am talking about altruistic healing, with is the interaction, even in my previous post I said it.
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My mistake but I was talking about self healing with a med kit. Regardless nurses calling will jack us up because it's hard to find another survivor in solo que. Team play is fine but purely solo que sucks
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Could have simply nerfed green medkits instead of transforming them all into browns
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Yeah the game sucks to play now against any decent killer
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I feel for me the issues revolve around the base chase changes in 6.1.0, Haemorhage status effect and latency issues (the main issue) ruining the game for solo queue. I honestly feel the 6.1.0 patch is the source of a lot of issues and hasn't been addressed a single time since it went live.
STBFL etc enabling camping without the obsession perks to counter tunneling (Decisive making you the obsession) there is no back and forth with these perks anymore.