How do people think that the match was "GG" if all they did was tunnel people in a dead zone?
In what world is this a good game you didnt even patrol the gens you just hooked a person went out and came back when someone unhooked, rinse and repeat.
"GG" now are mostly to provoke some reaction in EGC. In my experience, when people happy, they write lot's of things, with of without "GG". If they mad, they usually start with insults, skipping "GG" part (rarely see as killer but see a lot when I'm survivor).
So "GG" in DbD is like "lol, what you gonna say bout it?"
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Besides the fact this topic is in the wrong subforum,
"How do people think that the match was "GG" if all they did was gens and leave?"
The killer's goal is to kill survivors. The killer found an opportunity for a kill by taking advantage of a dead zone and took it. Survivors don't just walk pass gens 90% completed, because it would be fairer to the killer to work on the gen with the lowest progress.
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Yeah I might have been in the feedback section when I made the post.
Ok, counter argument would you want to play as a killer and this is the match you are going to recreate every time. Hook, go out wait for the unhook, go for unhooker, until the match ends. If the answer is no what are you trying to explain to me while the question is how is this good game.
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I'm trying to explain to you that nothing that occurred is wrong. Defending the hook and choosing to go after the unhooker are both valid tactics killers can chose to play. Killers select the hook for the reason that they can pick a spot that is easy to pressure.
Being hooked in a dead zone is not meant to be safe for you.
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Where did I say that something wrong occured in that game? My point is its objectively not a good game. Nothing happened besides people getting tunneled out of the game. Period.
What I could have done to make this game even more boring is hide so nobody has fun for 4 minutes.
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Part of playing survivor is that you will die some games. It's not a big deal.
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it is just two letters, no need to make it a big deal or go philosophical about it, you can just say GG back or simply hop to the next match, damn
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I mean this conversation is pretty pointless if you dont adress the topic. Water makes things wet is a neat thing to know but you didnt ask for it nor does it make sense to mention it here.
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I did address the topic. The game doesn't stop being a GG just because someone got tunneled out it. It's simply a part of the game. If people saying GG is going to bother you so much, just hide the chat and move on.
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It doesnt bother me much, i just think to my self how stupid can you be to believe this lie that you are telling yourself.
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Click the box at the bottom right of the end game chat to shut off the peanut gallery, you are not required to listen or react to anything people think they have to say.
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Dude, just say GG and go next. It’s not that serious.
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No it doesnt, it might adress some other topic tho. I wouldnt know. You just described what I already said 3 times. My question was how is that a good game, you didnt give an answer to that one.
Lets say there is a game 0 hooks, gen rushed, I say GG how is it a good game? Its not. You are trying to dodge my question so hard literally end up wasting time.
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It's a GG, because it was a GG. Tunneling someone out does not make the game less of a GG.
You don't have to interact with chat if things like people saying GG are going to bother you to this extent.
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Its not, i never disagreed. What bothers me more is that nobody here mentioned that it was or wasnt good game.
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It doesn't bother me. I simply asked how is that a good game. To me its very simple question, but by refusing to answer it you create an enviorment where it seems like I do.
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Idk who you think you are fooling here. If it didn't bother you, there would be no need for this topic. If you don't want to say GG for whatever reason, then don't. No one is forcing you to interact with the end game chat.
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I suppose it comes down to what the "gg" entails / actually means. And that may very well differ from person to person.
To me a gg is a very literal thing: a good game. A match where everyone was able to (and needed to) show a variety of skills and playstyles and where no one leaves a match feeling like it was a waste of time or a chore. A "gg" is at the end of an at times fierce and frustrating but ultimately friendly competition.
So yes, there are a number of events that make a match not "gg" by default. Circling the hook and tunneling one after the other is, for me, one of those things. (So is a swf bringing genrush builds, btw.)
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Why are you so angry? The biggest fools are those who try to fool themselves, but I simply had a question since I have games like these sometimes so I ask.
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See I love this response, because you actually in a roundabout way answer my question. Its not about GGs its about the meaning behind them and rarely does a GG or BG for that matter describe the state of the game in correct way.
What saddens me the most is that people boil it down to its just gg just go next.
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That GG can be meant for other survivors...
Maybe some of them did good play.
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I am quite stupid really, but not enough to make a topic about something so petty, at least not yet
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nobody cares if its a good game or not. you lost, move on.