DBD API for Stats

Hi there

I was just wondering why there are only stats available for steam users via the Steam API, why hasn't BHVR setup their own API so stats of all users can be checked on all platforms? I think that would be a great addition as it can show the true leaderboards for all platforms.

Also the steam API for DBD has some key values it could be tracking, like flash light saves, flashbang saves, how many of each items have been used or addons etc.

It can help smaller content creators grow if they have put time into the game and are high up on the leaderboards of specific stats


  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,768

    I'm not entirely sure, but I think the UEA's and privacy stuff for the consoles prevent stats by platform from being made available. If so such a thing like leaderboards would have had to come with the game originally, and not added later. Could be wrong though.

    My Xbox lists very basic stuff like kills, escapes, heals, hours played. That's pretty much it.

    Is there nothing for the Windows or Epic versions either?

  • Ayrun_Extra_Virgin
    Ayrun_Extra_Virgin Member Posts: 8

    Nothing for Windows or Epic games

    There are stats for Xbox and Playstation for Apex and COD, don't see how it could be a privacy issue (They could also have a option in game to disable your stats being shown publicly) , I know on steam you can change your profile to private if you don't want your stats to be publicly available via their API

    An API can definitely be built after a game has shipped, it's up to the developers

    I know it isn't a highly requested feature or anything really related to in-game updates that will help everyday player, but it will definitely be nice to have for the enthusiasts out there that have put 1000+ hours into DBD

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    The devs keep hard numbers like that close to the vest in general.

    This is not a game for those that like to have highly detailed and tracked stats on the user side. The game was never really made for it like we've never had the feature even back in 2016. We did used to get more engagement from the devs via regularly streams where they would tell us some stats when they had them, but those few and far between these days.

  • Ayrun_Extra_Virgin
    Ayrun_Extra_Virgin Member Posts: 8

    On DBD tricky alone, over 60K people have looked up their stats, that is steam only, what would the numbers be, if every platform could have their stats looked up?

    "This is not a game for those that like to have highly detailed and tracked stats on the user side". Just because DBD isn't a shooter people don't want to see their stats? People like to see their stats in a game, not sure what classifies as: "a game like that to have highly detailed and tracked stats on the user side." Most of the important stats are already being tracked, it's just making it publicly available via an API that is the problem

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    What I mean is that for all the times people have asked for more stats in all the years this game has been around, we've never really gotten them. The devs for reasons that aren't quite clear to us as end users don't seem to want to give them to us.

    Hence my saying "This is not a game for those that like to have highly detailed and tracked stats on the user side"

    After a six or seven years you just kinda get the hint that they aren't interested in that being a feature for us. It's a day one sort of feature we could have had since the beginning and like we just don't. So if seeing global multiplatform stats is something you're really interested then DBD isn't gonna be the game that gives you that unless they've been saving it for the next anniversary reveal. I never said you had to go to shooters to get those sorts of stats. We get less stats than casual minecraft or microsoft solitaire as far as information access goes. That's just how it is