Another Skull Merchantš¤

I hate this killer so much
Ah, right, its time to queue up as my manga girl.
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I fell your pain
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Delete this killer forever.
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pfft first game I went to play as Skull Merchant to complete her new archive challenge, entire team dc's. Second game same damn thing. I hate the archives. I really do. Can we please for the love of god get rid of "complete in a single challenge" crap.
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I know I'm most likely in the minority here but I don't mind her after the nerfs to gen kick. Perhaps I have been lucky with the SM's I have faced can someone enlighten me on what the problem is now? I would take her over Nurse/Blight all day. I honestly wish Nurse/Blight would be deleted from the game so m1 killers can get the buffs they deserve instead of "can't do that it makes Nurse/Blight even stronger". Blight with some tweaks would be fine but Nurse needs to retire.
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I refuse to play against this killer
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I had 2 p100 teammates just give up at 4 gens and yeah just a snooze match
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When i hear the terror radius i let out a big sighš
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I rather 100 games of Nurse or Blight in a row than a single Skull Merchant game
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*enjoys playing chase SM and will continue to play her no matter what*
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The 3-gen tactic has not changed much following her nerf. Essentially, she can still hold a match hostage (especially if it is a small one such as Haddonfield).
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So like, is she common in High MMR or really low MMR? I assume Iām in mid-MMR and I hardly see her (not complaining). I guess Iām blessed with seeing Huntress, Ghostie Boi and Legion over and over with a sprinkling of Nemesis.
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Me too especially with blight
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I would rather be face camped by a bubba 10 games in a row then play against a single SM.
I hate that this character really makes me want to DC as soon as the Hud appears.
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Idk what mmr im at lmao
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Color saturation and all on your camera let me to believe for a second there was a new jungle map or something. That could be a cool concept for a map I guess.
Noooo why did you have to remind me that Skull Merchant had new challenges. I thought I was done!
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Wasn't that an issue in general on Haddonfield? Before the latest patch she could lock down a 3-gen and regress any progress very very quickly using the gen kick perks. I just don't see how she could be getting progress to regress well enough to cause a stalemate (hostage).
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stay awesome king
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The pain is at least over quickly.
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Well, I guess I need to "git gud". Going against her is difficult and I also use her so I'm pretty confident when it comes to knowing what to do.
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Yea, if thereās one thing I wish the devs would do, it would be to (other than a bush cosmetic for Claud) display our MMR like they did with rankings.
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I'm not one of those buddy I'm just not seeing it. Most certainly does not mean I don't believe your experience. Sorry if it seemed that way.
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No, it was more of a self-criticism. :D
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She can be a big problem with generators. She can just find three generators and camp them to force a three gen, then use her drones to drag the game on even longer.
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It's probably gonna end up taking around the same time to finish 100 Nurse matches as one SM match
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I actually love going against Nurse haha so sign me up if it means never seeing another SM
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You do you. Just don't expect anyone to be happy to see her.
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Tbf alot of the killer roster suck to face. My personal number one is Dredge. ######### that blob forever.
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nice tv i got one thats about half the size
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i have done 3 of her in one game just focus on grinding it and if its the down 4 survivors if you corner one dont hit them place a drone for an insta down
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the tv gives me 5% basekit luck
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You have to have people not quit instantly for that to work though. I did complete luckily I found a group of 2 that stayed and I just let farm. They just let me down them both twice and we went on our way.
But it shouldn't resort to that, survivors shouldn't just quit because of a killer. It is ruining the game for everyone who actually wants to play.
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It depends, some people have value for their time cause they're very busy. they get an hour or two a day to play and when they see this killer put the drones over gen, they realize it's gonna be that game of waiting 20 minutes to die by 3 gen camp. so they wanna go next, in this case scenario(and only this one, with this trash killer they'e made) I totally understand that and encourage that.
I still believe you should stay to see how the skull merchant plays first so, please confirm please if she's a 3 gen camper.
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I value my time as well, and when i have to load up 4-5 games because everyone is quitting now my time has been wasted. Why? Because survivors can't handle playing the game. It's one thing to DC after you've been put into a position where you're actually wasting time and its another to completely screw 4 other players at the very start.
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It's the skull merchant player that screws 4 other players by choosing a playstyle that was not intended by the devs just to win, ignoring all game mechanics by spawning and taking a 3 gen hostage and giving up on any chase that is not there until the team dies or gives up. the killer dictates how the match goes, he can camp, tunnel or hold a 3 gen but the latter is the worst offender by miles.
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I didnt play skull merchant to do that though, I played her to complete a tome archive. Like many other players are trying to do right now. So no by you quitting at the very start of the match you are actively screwing 4 other players.
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That's why I wrote up there, to stay and see how to skull merchant plays. don't give up before seeing if it's a SM player that wants to play the game or just an annoying kid who thinks he plays for money to avoid all game mechanics, then it's fine to value your time and move next.
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Oh I will. At the end of the day I only care about my enjoyment and fun just like everyone else. Ppl cared about others enjoyment in this game I wouldn't be sent to God awful maps every other match like garden of Joy or see bnp toolboxes all the time.
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I went against her on midwich. If she puts a drone on the bottom floor it covers the top floor too.
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Guess I'm weird. I actually care if the game is miserable for others.
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Yeah midwich and rpd are just death sentences vs her
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I would care more if others showed they cared but major of my matches against survivors ends up being very toxic. I get completely stumped on as killer and all I get is "gg baby killer", "ez" or teabagging at the gates. After a while of all that I just stop caring about others fun.
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cant you minimize the egc?