Hot take: I way preferred the DH meta.



  • SuperMunchkin95
    SuperMunchkin95 Member Posts: 136

    Well It's not that bad, at least you could decipher when and where the other exhaustion perk was going to activate.

  • DH3206
    DH3206 Member Posts: 288

    I don't miss DH at all. It's nice to just get a down without sniffing someone's butt and then still get hit with the DH. The game is way more enjoyable for me now DH is gone. On both sides.

  • MB666
    MB666 Member Posts: 968
    edited May 2023

    run blood echo + mindbreaker problem solved , thats the point of shaking the meta , bring different perks not just the same 4 perks as survivor or killer. I wouldnt say DH was easier to counter but it was a bad perk for survivor that werent good at looping since they were really cocky about using pallets, meanwhile is still a really good second chase perk when a good survivor use it and need it + it doesnt get deactivated on endgame which is a plus.

    the only perk i completly agree that needs a small nerf is adrenaline , with the UI changes and the fact that 99%ing gens is pretty easy this days and since DH is less popular and many people are playing safer......... 5 seconds of sprint + instaheal when the last gen pops doesnt seem fair to me . (even more distance when paired with hope)

    I think they should reduce the sprint to 3 seconds instead of 5 IMO

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,072

    "You could counter it."

    Yeah, right. Not true, at all. If waited long enough the survivor knew it. If it happened near a window (where lunging was important to get a hit) you had no means to "mindgame" it. Another window lost, several more seconds added to an already extended chase.

    What many of you forget is that DH is activated at will. Now it is the same but with a criterion in mind.

    SB, Lithe and BL are all circumstantial. You can guess what will happen when in chase. I can't decide to activate Lithe at the 3rd vault. It will happen right away. I am approaching a Meg slowly walking away but looking at me. What is she going to do? You don't even need to ask.

    When these 3 happen (rather sooner than later in a chase) you can still decide if you want to commit. With DH it happens often in the last minute and there you are already stubborn enough to say "I will want to see this through".

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    Ahahaha) I said it before and I say it again: many killer players won't be satisfied unless there are map with no objects and walls, but open field, survivors could only walk and 50 generators on the map which all must be completed. And even then will be camping and tunneling.

  • TheWheelOfCheese
    TheWheelOfCheese Member Posts: 710

    And survivors won't be happy until gen regression is nerfed into the ground and they have 5 health states.

    Oh wait, half of that already happened...

    See? I can make up stuff to make other players look bad, too!

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    I would been fine with dh nerf where you see who has it and who does not that would taken away most frustating part of it waiting it out even when someone does not have it. Other problem was that it was too common and you could still drop pallet almost immediatelly after using it unsuccesfully. So if those things would been fixed I would been fine with how it was. Lithe and bl are annoying to deal with now though because there is nothing you can do but at least you can lunge now.

  • scoser
    scoser Member Posts: 522

    100% disagree, actually being able to hit attacks in the 99.9% scenario where dead hard isn't available/active is much more fun than "chase a survivor for 10 seconds right behind them, swing, and still get dead harded" that I ran into constantly before the patch. If someone's slightly fast for 3 seconds or whatever, it's much less frustrating.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    A lot of SB and Lithe was annoying at first but I’ve adapted to it quickly. I think exhaustion is in a good spot overall.

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    SB and Lithe doesn't require you to lose a chase to get value. That makes DH even more crutchier simply because of how to activate it

  • gnehehe
    gnehehe Member Posts: 510

    I never wanted to uninstall DbD because of BL, Lithe or even SB. However, I had this feeling 500+ times with DH, no need to elaborate more.

  • 1ettuce
    1ettuce Member Posts: 1,141

    That's just irrelevant, going down *ever* is a natural part of the game and dh still has to be timed correctly to get value, while sb and lithe don't

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    DH negates the going down part longer and like I said requires you to lose chase twice. The other exhaust perks don't stop the inevitable of going down.

  • 1ettuce
    1ettuce Member Posts: 1,141

    Exactly, going down is an inevitability so dh preventing that from happening right as it otherwise would doesn't mean much. What you're telling me here is that a successful dh is stronger than sb/lithe, which I of course agree with

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    You are correct. Almost. Unless there are not 5 health states (3 with a huge stretch) and survivors not winning most of matches, unlike killer. And post about killer complain again after yet another survivor nerf.

    I will be like old granny, but "I was saaaaying" in 2021 "Don't touch DH", it was easily-counterable perk if you have couple of braincells, and everyone was using it, so it was basically an ability and survivors have only 3 perks. I made exactly same comment as OP back then, but for defence of DH (even old one). If only they didn't remove comment history on forum....

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Using DH at windows was easy to counter. You couldn't keep the endurance while in the vault animation so that was always and easy down for me as killer.

  • miniwengsel
    miniwengsel Member Posts: 410

    I think it was dumb to even nerf DH without nerfing SB, Lithe and Balenced. All exastion Perks needed a nerf. SB and the ohers where not used because DH were stronger and you dont bring two exastion perks. Think Exastion perks as a leader, if the to gets cut survivors take the next step and the reson why this leader exists is because exastion perks are like 10 times better then non exastion perks. I think its also more funny, that DH doesnt got killed completly like the killer perks DH is just fall from the top step to I guess the third or so. If perks are that strong that even after nerfs are still meta what does this means for the perks. Right they are to strong in general. The gen Kick meta also was a leader, but now the leader is complettly brocken to a point where it can still be good, but isnt meta anymore. So why this isnt posable for the exastion perk meta. So you would see in your matches mabye on survivor that use one of the perks. (and not 4 every time) and befor any survivor main is crying that you need exastion perks to win no you not. Every time I play survivor I bring no exastion perks and still manage to win most of my games (even in solo que). Most of the time when I lose as survivor the reson were teammates that dont do gens or dont look at the actions of the others so they dont know when they should save for example.

  • miniwengsel
    miniwengsel Member Posts: 410

    They arent bad they are just too strong and brainless together. You dont need a brain for "Oh the Killer is near press shift W for a giant amount of distance.

    And what is the problem of bloodlust for so many. Bloodlust is mostly for killers like Trapper or something to get hits in tiles they otherwhise only could dream of.

    Also Hit Validation I would say is sometimes a deserves done and sometimes not. If you rlly think about How hits in pallat dropps happen its fair. The game counts a hit as a hit when the suvivor at any time is in the hit animation range. So if the killer swing throw the pallet the survivor is in hit range befor the pallet is thown down.

  • 1ettuce
    1ettuce Member Posts: 1,141

    It's more funny that ppl like you are incapable of tolerating other ppls opinions without assuming they're just lying. Some ppl just find sb/lithe more annoying than dh was and they're allowed to feel that way, it's not rocket science

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658
    edited May 2023

    Well as a killer main I can say I love that the DH meta is gone. For me it feels amazing to be able to lunge again at pallets, it feels good I don't have to "wait it out" in the first chase against everyone, and it feels good to finally see some variety in survivor builds when it comes to exhaustion perks.

    Say what you will about how easy it was to counter DH. There was only situation where DH was easy to counter and that was in the open in a dead zone. Most the times DH was used in loops near pallets and it put the killer in a lose-lose situation where if they swing at the survivor at a pallet they get DHed and if they don't swing they get stunned by the pallet. Either way the survivor wins and runs away and makes the killer waste even more time in a chase.

    I personally haven't had any issues with Lithe or SB. I can work around those perks and think of ways to negate thier effects some what. Most people aren't even good at 99ing SB anyway.

    Post edited by BlueRose on
  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,520

    If a nurse/blight gets bloodlust, they are not even a good player, any good decent blight/nurse will get a hit/down with their power before bloodlust happens.

    Do if those killers get bloodlust you will literally be safe af because they are not actually using their powers.

  • miniwengsel
    miniwengsel Member Posts: 410
    edited May 2023

    I have never seen a nurse thats bloodlusting, because if you use your power you lose bloodlust. So Killers like Blight, Nurse, Spirit, Wesker etc will not bloodlust anyone, because it would be stupid, if they can use there power on this loop instead.

  • lifestylee
    lifestylee Member Posts: 263

    bloodlust nurse is kind of a meme since she moves at 95% i think base aswell

  • miniwengsel
    miniwengsel Member Posts: 410

    So maybe for the meme I play Nurse now with 4.6 movement speed addon just to bloodlust someone :D

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    No player should have the ability to stall the match out for an hour. Especially when it requires only two functioning brain cells to achieve. I don't care if they nerf tool boxes next, the 3 gen meta needed to die.

  • pizzavessel15
    pizzavessel15 Member Posts: 534

    it was literally impossible to counter when used to get to a pallet/window