I'm curious if this Mikaela outfit will be with shards.

Most of her outfits are available via cells and shards, I don't know if BHVR came across her outfits to be purchasable via shards, but I'm curious will this outfit be available via shards? is it worth waiting or it will be only for cells?
Best Answer
they make all original (as in: not-licensed) outfits available for shards, so including this one.
for the old that are currently available only freight cells, they add shard availability for some characters on release order, 1-3 chars per side per major update, Mikaela still seems far off, I would guess chapter after the anniversary, or midchapter after that.
that said, they also retroactively made some outfits only seasonally available, and they might do a summer season and add this specific outfit for that as well…. If that’s the case then it should be shard available… next year for the theoretical summer event. (Hope that wasn’t too confusing)
You could wait for the next summer themed outfits to come out and see what they decide to do with this one. If there is a time where this outfit would possibly go to shards it may be when the next summer collection comes out. Just my guess.
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yes i know about this but I didn't know if they've reached Mikaela yet