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Most Overrated/underrated perks for both sides

IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

What perks would you say are Overrated and underrated for either side.

The ones that initially come to mind

Overrated survivor: Deliverance

Yes, getting yourself off a hook can be nice but it's a perk that's one time use and you have to have specific situations to get it to trigger or at least be worth triggering. It's not a trash perk, but it's not amazing in my book. Just...fine.

Underrated survivor: red herring

It's not a perk that's going to help you score big but it's a perk that can help distract the killer away in several situations (whether it's to get the hatch or to help take pressure off teammates who might get in chase soon, or lure a killer to a gen that isn't important).

Overrated killer: corrupt intervention.

Yes, it can be a good way to allow a killer (especially a slow early game one) to have a little less pressure early game. Personally even those killers I'd much rather have a build towards mid to late game focus since the start will still be slow even without corrupt intervention. It's a fine perk, but it's limited value isn't that great to me

Underrated killer: unnerving presence

This obviously goes well with doctor, but it can work well with several killers honestly. Having skill checks trigger eith a greater chance to fail skill checks can be pretty significant, especially with the slower heal teams is an additional boost. I won't run this on the majority of my killers but it's one that has a place beyond doctor


  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,057

    Underrated: Wiretap

    Pretty great as you can see the aura of the approaching killer. It is most useful when there is a chase near the gen you are repairing. Especially, when you are on a different floor. Due to the increasing terror radius your teammates already run away but you know you are safe. Not to mention that it is great from a distance (it does not last for long). I love it.

    Overrated: Adrenaline

    I never really use it. In SWF it is useful when it is a sweatfest so you can't even catch / hook the only person you'd be able to. But it is already lost on an SWF. In SoloQ I find it completely useless. Often there is a hooked individual already when the last gen pops so we have time healing, opening the gates and planning a rescue. I consider using it a waste of a slot.

    Now onto the killers:

    Overrated: Pentimento

    I would never commit to taking the time to rekindle several totems. Especially now that Circle of Healing got nerfed. I rarely go around removing totems.

    Underrated: Discordance

    Yes, BBQ shows everybody in case they are far way. Great. But what if they don't work on gens? Discordance almost always shows gens with multiple people working on it. I just find it better and use it more often than BBQ.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,510


    Overrated- Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance

    Only having 4 hooks and 4 tokens at 25% Gen regression means that a Killer either needs to prioritize Hooking Survivors on Scourge Hooks at the beginning or in the middle of a Match... TL;DR adding more things that Killers have to keep in mind is kinda bad IMO

    Underrated- Oppression

    Having both extra Gen regression and information is great... even though it's all base Gen regression is still can pack a punch if used right

    I don't have an opinion on Survivors perks as of right now... I don't play Survivor that much

  • 1ettuce
    1ettuce Member Posts: 1,141

    Overrated survivor: Dead hard

    Overrated killer: Bbq

    Underrated survivor: Decisive strike

    Underrated killer: Dissolution

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,196

    Overrated Survivor: Prove Thyself

    Underrated Survivor: Object of Obsession

    Overrated killer: Save the Best for Last

    Underrated killer: Terminus

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,057

    I'd love to hear your explanation with particular emphasis on Thrilling Tremors. And yes, how could I forget Alert? Good point!

  • Veroles
    Veroles Member Posts: 868
    edited May 2023

    For me there is nothing where i would say it is hardly over or underrated. Maybe prove thyself because it makes simply much more sense to repair solo gens. A real value out of it you mostly only gain for the last gen. it's all about the players playstyle and what's fits the best to it.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Another round of each for me

    Overated survivor perk: sprint burst

    Having the speed is nice but the fact you don't have much flexibility to use it as lithe makes it just lesser to me.

    Underrated survivor perk: Deception

    another perk I'd only have on specific builds but it can be a great way to lose a killer and provide some support for your friend from afar

    Overrated killer perk: save the best for last

    It can be nice to hit slightly faster after a successful hit but it's not all that common to have people grouped up that I get much value out of it. It worthless pretty early on and even at full stacks it might not even play a role in your victory. I still use it from time to time but it's mostly for my m1 only killers

    Underrated killer perk: bamboozle

    It's a perk I think most killers can get benefits from. Some killers I find have to have it (such as myers) while others can become much more threatening with it.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933
    edited May 2023

    Asking the killer to have a minimum of strategy is... Bad?

    Idk what killer perk is overrated. Meta perks are obviously not, and non meta perks are at most considered good. Corrupt is not overrated at all btw

    Underrated though: agi (and new gearhead now that i tried it and see literally no one using it)

    Survivor: overrated, Rebecca's perk for skill checks

    Underrated: self care ;)

  • 1ettuce
    1ettuce Member Posts: 1,141

    Personally I like thrilling more bc it's very common that surv auras are hidden behind gens, and imo if I get more than 1 down within 60s I'm doing good enough and don't really need it to activate again. Still agree it shouldn't have a cooldown tho

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,408

    Underrated - Renewal, Empathic Connection, Hex: Retribution, Hex: Face the Darkness (only on certain killers), Alert, Eruption, Gearhead, Aftercare, Deja Vu.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 1,717

    The most overrated perk in the game is hyper focus by a landslide. The non existence boogeyman that was gas up by streamers to be this super slept on overpowering perk.

    Most underrated perk: I'm all ears and lucky break

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    For killers

    Overrated: Corrupt Intervention

    Now don't get me wrong, Corrupt is a very strong perk. But people act like it's the universal slowdown perk on all killers. And for killers who want to down fast and snowball out of downs other perks just work better

    Overrated survivor perk: Overcome

    I feel like people who praise this perk got hyped up by streamers who only look at best case scenarios when valuating perks and never actually tried it.

    Gets shut off by so many killers, does nothing for you from unhook to heal so killers can just tunnel you and don't even need to give you base bt speedboost.

    Outside of niche builds with lucky break and bite the bullet absolutely the worst exhaustion perk.

    Underrated killer perk: play with your food.

    Speed differences matter, a lot. Even with one token standert killers catch up to survivors 33% faster then base

    Bonus to hex: third seal.and hex thrill of the hunt

    Survivors use more and more aura perks so blindness in general is very underrated. How well a WoO user can loop change drastically when blinded

    And full hex builds with Thrill are nasty. Even if they cleanse them all the time they have used to do so is well worth not having perks for the remainder of the game

    Underrated survivor perks

    Rookie spirit for solos

    One of the biggest complaints of soloq is that the mayority doesn't do gens. And very likely you are unknowingly part of that mayority.

    Rookie spirit is a reminder to do gens, shows the ones who are losing progress and thus have progress. Shows certain killer perks you have to watch out for (jolt, pain res) and works like a mini Alert

    Gen aura perks in general are underrated. People see then only as training wheel perks but are too proud to concidder they might need it.

    Bonus to NoLB.

    Being able to see everybodies aura at end game helps so much in solo, and the faster unhook/heal speed can really come in clutch

  • TonyXSplash
    TonyXSplash Member Posts: 72


    Underrated: Dark Sense, Wiretap, Overcome, Smash Hit x DS.

    Overrated: Windows of Opportunity, Resilience, Hope, Adrenaline, Lithe, Sprint Burst.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    WoO is super Overrated. I really don't know why it's so popular unless you are pretty new to the game tbh

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 1,771

    Killer Perks:

    Overrated: No Way Out. This just feels like a guaranteed 4k perk if you close Hatch. The majority of matches where I get value with this, I would have gotten more value with more of anything else, be that Slowdown, Lethality, or Intel. A Bamboozle or Enduring to cut a chase shorter, Floods/BBQ/Discordance to know where people are, or Pop/Eruption/PR/Gift of Pain to slow things down a bit more.

    Underrated: Probably Gift of Pain. It Sloppies them, so if you interrupt the 20s heal under hook, the time is wasted. Then if they choose not to heal at another teammate, they remain injured for a quicker down. Finally it adds ~17s to complete a gen, which also makes people greed at gens in your face and fail to pop it. (Just always go for the kick or double kick before the swing.)

    Survivor Perks:

    Overrated: Prove Thyself 100%. Main brain Killers act like this destroys the game, but it more often makes Survs waste time on duo gens instead of completing 2 solo gens. I will say the BP incentive is nice, but otherwise the only value is breaking up a 3 gen at the start or end of a match. That is useful, but at the cost of throwing more often than not in giving the Killer free pressure should they interrupt the gen. I'd much rather any other gen perk and just break 3 gens before they become a problem.

    Underrated: Breakdown. All too often you get hooked on a Scourge Hook or a corner hook, and now that is gone for 3 minutes. Killers often tend to hook Survs on the same hook over and over, even if they don't have a scourge perk, most often because they know it is there. This can make a Killer autopilot towards that hook, then realize too late that it isn't available. Sadly some maps like RPD have too many central hooks for this to matter, but denying Scourge and corner hooks more than make up for this. I kinda think the aura reveal isn't too useful, as you usually can see if the Killer plans on tunneling/going for unhooker regardless.

  • Riski
    Riski Member Posts: 204

    Killer overrated: Hex plaything:

    This perk requires you to down the survivor, for them to get unhooked and then for you to go after them or for them to go for the totem for it to do anything. It's extremely slow and on most killers it isn't good. Killers like trapper, hag or oni are already slow and don't want perks that are too slow and on stealth killers being oblivious just doesn't matter so people won't go and cleanse the totem. The overrated part is mostly this with pentimento, even slower because after the survivors choose to cleanse the totem you then need to go and rekindle it just so you can stack a passive debuff on them, at this point if there is time left for it to matter the survivors were slow and you were already winning and if there isn't much gen time left they just power through it.

    Killer underrated: Tinkerer:

    A good perk but one no one uses any more. Feels like any form of gen defence that can't be used to put the game into an effective lock is seen as completely useless and now it's once per gen people push it to the side however with the changes to gen times to 90 seconds you now have even more time to react to the trigger and being able to stop a gen, sneak up to survivors and give yourself time to regress it is extremely valuable and I'm suprised this perk doesn't see more use. Really good on killers like Wesker, Plague and Pyrmid head who I feel like make good use of the undetectable and make good use of the infomation like anyone else.

    Survivor overrated: Hyperfocus:

    People unfairly scream bloody murder when they see this perk. Can hyperfocus with a stacked toolbox and stakeout completely slam gens, yes. Could a toolbox with streetwise and built to last slam gens, yes. Could a toolbox with any two other gen perks slam gens really fast, yes. Hyperfocus is a fun perk to use however a lot of it's effectiveness isn't from the perk it self but how people use it and what people use it with. Using a good toolbox smartly, so on a gen which needs it and not necessarily the first one in a match, can make gens feel impossible to defend and commiting to gens a lot is playing efficent can be good even without a toolbox. Hyperfocus is a decent perk that by it self is inconsistent and fun and when played into makes people use items and stratergies which are good even without hyperfocus with hyperocus still being just good, not insane, when used like this.

    Survivor underated: Bond:

    Peoplle who claim kindred is the god of solo-q clearly don't use other info perks. Kindred is good for making sure unhooks happen efficenly however there is a lot more that goes into coordinating with your team. Bond is the most generic info perk constantly providing a good amount of infomation but namely can ensure that the killer is not taken to gen your teammates are on. I can assure you if you take the killer on year long chases for gens to not get done chances are you were bringing the killer near your teammates and with this you can confirm 1) Where teamates are and 2) how close can you bring the killer before they hide, a 30 second chase where the killer isn't brought to your teammates is debatably better than a 45 second chase where everyone is close together. On top of that it can still help with unhook situations, finding teammates to heal and understanding objective locations like other infoperks like bond. If you think kindred is the be all end all please try other info perks like bond or altert and please try to undertsand them.

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    Underrated Survivor: Reactive Healing

    Helps out in healing when needing to gen endgame saves and with the right build, heals up in chase easier. And saves healing time, effectively cheating the self heal nerf.

    Overrated Survivor: Bond

    There's so many aura revealing perks in game to try so hearing this perk constantly is annoying.

    Underrated Killer: Gearhead

    People say gearhead is so good yet it's still not that commonly run in games. But it does feel nice on chase killers and helps to switch targets for better pressure.

    Overrated Survivor: Deadlock

    We already know what it does and why it's decent. Move on

  • shofarian_starfall
    shofarian_starfall Member Posts: 15

    These are simply my opinion based on how I play and my experiences. (Soloq Survivor when I play Survivor)


    Underrated: Distortion/Corrective Action

    Overrated: For the People (Unless you are in a SWF this perk is near impossible to use in a way that isnt a complete waste of a perk slot.


    Underrated: I'm All Ears

    Overrated: This was harder but I had to pick Save the Best For Last While it is obviously good, I often find that I get more value from something else in it's place.

    and just an unrelated note, I hate people using No Mither in soloq games.... They rarely last 3 minutes.