BHVR Please rethink map design

Dear BHVR,
Please rethink your process of map design.
Map size consistency by square meters. This should be pretty obvious considering maps like Mothers Dwelling, Shattered Square, and Temple of Purgation can be a nightmare for 110% killers and very difficult for standard m1 killers.
Standards for tile density and pallet density, and by extension a mix of "killer sided" "survivor sided" and 50:50 pallets.
Considerations for distance between tiles noting the survivor:killer movement speed ratios (4.0:4.6, 4.0:4.4 , and perk/addon bonuses to a lesser extent) with a mix of survivor sided (ex. long walls/tall walls) killer sided (ex. short walls by length and height) and neutral (ex. mind game-able I guess?)
Considerations for accessibility such as color perception and auditory processing limitations. (Think corn blindness vs aura, shattered square vs scratches and ambient sounds vs killer/prop/survivor sounds)
Consideration and extra effort to account for map RNG impacting manuverability through the map, specifically regarding how hooks can block paths for the killer. It seems hooks with a survivor have a larger hitbox that can sometimes completely block pathways that are not blocked when the hook is empty. Other instances of survivors moving through areas that killers cannot move through have also been noted (ex. tree placement).
Considering main building and killer shack, just being aware of potential infinites/audio occlusions/ lighting conditions and the like.
I do have some reservations regarding every map playing the same way and becoming stale, however I do feel something needs to change regarding maps and these seem (to my mind) as useful factors that are not currently being considered with the weight they should be.
Temple is pretty well balanced, in fact I've had some of my best M1 killer games on that map, including Myers. I am bewildered they didn't resize Mothers with the Red Forest rework though, that one's definitely too big.
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We can't balance maps while we have killers like Blight, Spirit, Nurse.
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I mean...they're somehow getting worse at designing maps, not better. I don't think there's much hope there. RPD is still awful after the rework. Nothing that was actually wrong with Mother's Dwelling got addressed. Shattered Square is Fractured Cowshed 2.0. They're still married to the idea of RNG on maps, so busted set ups are prevalent and they can't balance them out.
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Nah, we can. The problem with certain smaller maps is that they spawn unbreakable 3 gens. But that ain't an S tier killer problem only, is it?
Unfortunately all the new maps have been ass and they managed to make mother's dwelling even more unplayable, which is unreal
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I'd disagree on that statement, or rather, those killers are the odd ones out (Nurse especially) so they should not be the ones getting the greatest considerations. Weighting 3 killers over the other 28(?) isn't the appropriate rationale to go with.
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Wats nurse got to do with map design considering the reason she’s strong is that she ignores the map.
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Gen spawning is a big one as well. Sometimes a 3-gen is actually a 2-gen due to one of them being tucked into a corner behind the others or in a massive dead zone.
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Nurse doesn’t even care about map design. The current map designs reward her more than anyone because she’s the only one not screwed over by it.
If map design stays the way it is, then Nurse and Blight will become more popular because they’re the only ones that can compete on them.
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You argue from the m1-killer-perspective, and you are right. However, what about other killers? Would the maps still be balanced for them?
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i just wish they stop sprinkling random bullshit on the ground. Chasing a survivor with limited visit is u must observe ever peice clutter trash or risk getting randomly stuck. Same with survivor! u looping and bam a small stack of trash stop u. Even the rework gas heaven has more garbage now.
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BhVR's map balancing ability seems to be getting worse year by year.
A destructible wall is either a wall that cannot be tracked unless it is destroyed, or a wall that connects tiles and becomes untrackable except for some killers when destroyed.
Map tiles often connect in very strong ways, and in some places two or more windows can be connected to create an almost infinite number of orbits.
On the other hand, there are too many weak boards that are too short to be useful without being able to hit the Killer with the Pallet. I have to say that the balance adjustment is not good because the difference between the strength and weakness of the tiles is too large.
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If you nerf maps then all of m2 killers will be strong as Nurse, Blight and Spirit. Imagine you are playing against Pyramid Head with weak spots. Or Nemmy, Bubba, Wesker, Plague, Huntress etc.
Just because m1 killers are weak, we can not nerf maps. Strong loops are exists because we have a lot anti-loop killers in game. How you will balance them after you nerf maps?
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Given the same idea (change maps to suite m1 killers even if it makes m2 killers just outright OP) - the game should now balance around 50% escape rate for soloQ. Meaning reverse patch 6.1, return old hatch mechanics and probably also permanent hook sabotages and some infinites. Would you agree to that?
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No. And I never said to balance around M1 killers, just not to balance the game around the two strongest killers.
Of course those two killers still need to be nerfed in someway, whether it is before or after maps get balanced doesn’t matter, but just saying “maps need to be unbalanced because Nurse is unbalanced” is like saying “Nurse needs to be unbalanced because SWF is unbalanced”.
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I 100% agree with this also the Gen placement and exit gate placement can sometimes be awful