He can definitely use some buffs. At the very LEAST in the addon category. Like seriously, almost all of them are garbage. And somehow they managed to nerf Marvin's blood, the ONLY good addon.
I love the suggestions, but we all know these won't happen. Nemesis is popular and good enough to not warrant a rework. I mean some killers desperately need one and they haven't been touched.
Minor POSSIBLE changes would be:
T3 tentacle can now hit both pallets and survivors, and can hit through survivors. While this does make camping stronger, which is bad, it does essentially give him a powerful engame tool and this character is all about becoming stronger and stronger until the end of the game. T3 should also damage survivors whether they're infected or not. But in exchange is should be made a bit harder to reach.
T1 should be quick to get out of, he is just SO bad early game it's actually unfun. Or just remove it, it's as useless as Myers' T1.
T2 is honestly fine as it is.
I REALLY wish we could get a rocket launcher, but it'll unfortunately always be dreams.
I have no trust in making Zombie AI better so I won't even suggest anything there. I don't think being able to place them is a good idea as it'd just make Nemmy a more annoying Knight.
Nemesis Needs Some Buffs

I recently played through RE 3 and before entering I had the mindset of thinking Nemesis can't be as scary as people claim he is in RE 3 right? Well I was completly wrong and holy cow that guy is scary in RE 3. After when I finished the game I had to wonder why doesn't Nemesis have this level of fear in DBD? So here are some buff ideas.
Tier 2 you now will have a permanent Haste effect that's 2%
Tier 3 the Haste increases to 3% and you now have the ability to break Walls, Pallets and Damage Gens with Basic attacks but, you'd have a small cooldown before being able to do it again.
Adding a Tier 4 everything stays the same in Tier 3 but, in Tier 4 you now have the option to use Nemesis Rocket Launcher. Just like in the game try and get a lock on your target and if by the rocket it'll insta down.
That's basically my ideas on buffing Nemesis. I hope one day he gets some buffs to make him as scary as he is in the RE.
They definitely dropped the ball when it came to properly representing him in the game. The first thing you'd consider as a power for him would obviously be his rocket launcher, second thing would be his extremely scary sprint which is absolutely crazy. He literally can jump in front of Jill to cut off her escape route, he's that agile. Meanwhile in DbD he's jogging behind the survivors struggling to catch up as an ordinary 115% ms killer.
They also neglected to make him as tall as in RE3 remake, he's at least as massive as Lady Dimitrescu in that game (9 feet or around 3 meters). They clearly made him one head shorter for DbD to make him fit through the various doorways instead of giving him custom animations to deal with these instances.
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Lore accurate Nemesis
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Tbf, It was going to be hard to make a monster that was barely brought down by some insanely elite explosives expert with a lot of luck balanced to go against.
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He can definitely use some buffs. At the very LEAST in the addon category. Like seriously, almost all of them are garbage. And somehow they managed to nerf Marvin's blood, the ONLY good addon.
I love the suggestions, but we all know these won't happen. Nemesis is popular and good enough to not warrant a rework. I mean some killers desperately need one and they haven't been touched.
Minor POSSIBLE changes would be:
T3 tentacle can now hit both pallets and survivors, and can hit through survivors. While this does make camping stronger, which is bad, it does essentially give him a powerful engame tool and this character is all about becoming stronger and stronger until the end of the game. T3 should also damage survivors whether they're infected or not. But in exchange is should be made a bit harder to reach.
T1 should be quick to get out of, he is just SO bad early game it's actually unfun. Or just remove it, it's as useless as Myers' T1.
T2 is honestly fine as it is.
I REALLY wish we could get a rocket launcher, but it'll unfortunately always be dreams.
I have no trust in making Zombie AI better so I won't even suggest anything there. I don't think being able to place them is a good idea as it'd just make Nemmy a more annoying Knight.
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Rocket Launcher will never happen because it doesn't fit dbd thematically, best you could do is give him some haste but that's about it.
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I think he's fine at the moment.
Keep working on the zombies, maybe make him able to direct them to an area and have them patrol it. It'd be a soft buff for flashlights.
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I'm mad he only has 1 good addon that got nerfed a while ago
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A chain tethered spear gun doesn't exactly fit the typical horror mold, but Deathslinger has one.
We're talking about a piece of equipment that is canon to Nemesis so it matters little in terms of thematics.
The reason we don't have it is because it would be a nightmare balance and performance wise. Same reason we only get two zombies, same reason they didn't make The Crusher original character whose power was gonna be busting through walls. The game is quite limited in what it can handle.
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The rocket launcher is such a bad fit for DBD, tonally, I'm fully against that idea.
Regarding how well Nemesis was translated- I really don't think it's bad at all. In fact, I think it's about as good as you could hope to get. Let's look at what Nemesis does, and what options there'd be for translating into a power. I count four; heavy weaponry, tentacle/infection, sprint, and leap, with a few minor things that could be added for flavour like his stun or the tentacle pull.
Two of these are out of the question right off the bat. The heavy weaponry is a bad fit tonally, and the leap would have to be so watered down and adjusted to function with DBD's map design that it just wouldn't function as an accurate representation of his movement in his source material as well. That leaves the sprint, and the tentacle/infection. Both of these are viable, in that they'd work in the game, and both of these are reflective of Nemesis in RE3 (at least, the remake), but I'd argue that the tentacle is still the better choice, for one reason; it's a less satured mechanic. Only one other killer at that time had an infection mechanic and it functioned completely differently, not to mention the tentacle whip being a pretty unique form of short-range attack. Balancing Nemesis fitting in DBD, being accurately represented, and being something new, I think they did the best that anyone could have.
For the specific buffs posed, I think adding Haste is dicey when it stacks with other forms of Haste and - unlike Skull Merchant who got similar buffs - it's permanent, so I'm not sure about that. I'd also say if you wanted to mimic Nemesis walking through walls, let him just do that: walk through breakable objects, at the cost of movement speed and a cooldown. Even then, I don't know how necessary it is, I'd much sooner give Myers that ability.
All in all, personally I'd say Nemesis isn't in that bad of a spot - he's one of the stronger killers in the game, after all - but he could use some help. Improve the zombies, overhaul his addons, maybe adjust his infection gain for tier 1, that kind of thing.
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Why do you want to buff nemesis? He's already strong and feels unstoppable in hands of a capable killer. The only reason why his kill rates are not insanely high is, that he needs to hit you 3x instead of 2x. Should they revoke this extra health state, he would be too insane
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I used to play him quite a lot, but he feels kind weak lately. Not really sure why.
I played him most when ruin was still good perk and it's really good with Zombies, so that's probably why.
Current regression perks are not really that good for him.
Pyramid Head is simply better.
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Thing is, The Redeemer was designed specifically to fit into dbd's gameplay, you still need to m1 Survivors when they're reeled in, so it does still fit within the boundaries of dbd and it's themes since it's not like a regular projectile weapon.
Things like regular guns and explosive weapons does not fit dbd thematically, never has and never will, it does not matter how iconic it is to a character.
Also even Mathieu Cote said it himself back during the release of the first Resident Evil dlc in an interview how weapons like that doesn't fit dbd and pointed out how Deathslinger has a gun but it's specifically designed to fit into dbd.
from 11:30 - 12:17
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Sadly the f´d up the RE3MAKE a bit.
I really like the characters but the cut so much stuff from the original. And Nemi was wayy scarier in Orig RE3.
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they represented half of his characteristics. In dbd, -Super Human Strength- is presented as pallet breaking, hence trapper's perk called brutal strength and his zombies are suppose to represent a zombie apocalypse. I think its represented pretty well.
the biggest issue is that mathew cote says that you are suppose to re-evaluate how to play vs killer but the zombies are so weak and meaningless that they do not make you re-evaluate anything. the zombies move incredibly slow that they have almost no-use in being at right place at right time. its almost miracle if the zombie does anything in the match. If they somehow manage to get to a generator, you can lead to a pallet to drop it to kill zombie as you continue to repair generators.
On top of that, the power grants extra health-states. Just in case zombies do manage to do something, they can sometimes extends chases. Most of Nemesis add-on list is very bad well. The idea of Nemesis being this Super inhuman strength that smash's pallets like bread and butter with a zombie apocalypse is awesome but the numbers with killer tuning is so safe that it is not noticeable. I don't really notice pallet break speed that much. Its kinda like Demogorgon. Big super-human beast but breaks pallets slowly...