New Resident Evil skins (and maps) I would like to see

For this I am just brainstorming what could work in-game. I don't know all of the main-line games yet, as I am still playing through them atm, so there might be more. Of course you can share your ideas as well, althought I would kindly ask not to discuss story elements too much here. Thank you.
So now let's go.
- An Umbrella Laboratory. For me it does not need to be directly out of one of the games, but the style is quite distinctive in RE2, so one could get inspired by that one. I always liked the old Hawkin's map for some reason and I miss a lab-like map in dbd.
- The Spencer Mansion
- Castle Dimitrescu
Legendary skins (Survivor):
- Jake Muller. How cool would it be to have Wesker and Jake in the same lobby? New voicelines included :D
Legendary skins (Killer):
- Alcina Dimitrescu
- Mr. X (Nemesis)
- Mother Miranda (Plague or Artist)
- Krauser (maybe as Wesker Legendary)
Normal Skins:
- RE4, both OG and remake. A fancy attire.
- RE5, but the mutated version
RE5, shirtless Wesker- him in a lab coat like on the photo from RE1
Ada Wong
- RE6
- RE4R
Edit: added a few screenshots after finishing the RE series.
Ada Wong
- RE4 Remake
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So for which killers would Mr. x and Lady Dimitrescu be legendarys?
i think Mr. X would work as Myers legendary but sadly that not really possible due to different licenses?
also I would love to see Moira Burton as a Rebecca legendary.
also, this girl from Ghost Survivor DLC with this specific accessory as a legendary:
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I thought of Nemesis for Mr. X since they are similar tall although it would be strange to see him with a tentacle. And for Lady D I thought of Plague, as I remember a mod which swapped her bodymodel.
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Legendary Jack Baker skin for The Hillbilly with the chainsaw scissors please.
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Oh yes! I saw that somewhere but didn't know the name.
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Lady D could be a legendary skin for Artist.
Mr x for nemesis
Jack krauser from re4 for wesker
Lisa Trevor could be a new killer
Ashley and Luis from re4 could be survivors
I like Jake a lot from re6 but I doubt they would use anything from re6 since it's hated by most re fans sadly
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I'd quite like to see The Baker estate tbh.
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I'd enjoy it but I'd prefer to see Spencer mansion, resident evil lab, and re4 village
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I haven't played RE6 yet, but I also heard that it was not so well recieved. Why is that?
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I want to see Ashley and Luis skins. A Dr. Salvador skin for Hillbilly too.
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The Lady D legendary skin for Artist could work.
Change her posture and height, replace the spectral birds with spectral daughters, replace the bird swarm with a bug swarm...
Maybe a new terror radius or mori (replacing the ink with blood, wine, or one of her daughters in bug form)?
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It is like Michael Bay Resident Evil.
Over the top action - not always in a good way.
As fan you can play it. It is pretty long, has 3+1 campaigns. Leon is a bit slower, which is good but also "actiony". Chris is Call of Duty meets RE - verrrryyy actrion heavy - but the ending part is nice.
Jakes & Sherrys is good, reminds a bit of Nemesis with a strong stalking enemy.
Ada is Ada, was ok.
But overall not very scary and thats what most disliked.
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The short of it was most felt that it was overall too action focused, too long, cooperative, not scary, almost all new characters were disliked, and it had an awful plot. I won't go into too much details on any of the plot related stuff though.
For me though I was okay with it not being as horror focused. I was much more upset about most of the characters all being bad. All of the main villains fall into either awful writing, recycling old ideas, or just being outright boring. I did like Jake (Sherrys partner) a lot (many people disagree unfortunately) while Helena (the partner in Leon's campaign) was just okay to me. Piers (chris's partner) was super vanilla and possibly my least liked character in the entire mainline series. Chris was basically a whole different character from 5. Leon was done very well. Sherry was also very good. Ada was fine. I liked sherrys campaign a lot while Leon's felt the most classic resident evil to me. Chris's felt like discount gears of war. The overall plot is just awful in the game. Some parts (like sherry and Jake's inclusion) are well done though. I do think the mechanics of the game are very well done though. I think the gameplay is very solid and it's a lot of fun. I'd go as far to say it had the best gameplay mechanics than any of the prior games and they still hold up well. The mercenaries mide is very popular and I like it. The QTEs were too much in it. Overall I think I like RE6 more than most people. It's a fun time if you aren't going into it expecting a decent story. I'd love for it to be remade with a much better plot
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I would like to see the city area surrounding RPD turned into a map. The city area where Jill's apartment in RE 3 Remake is would also be really cool as a map. It would be neat to play on a map where all of the chaos from the game is playing out on the outside of the map while you're playing your match. The village from RE 4 would also be a cool map.
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I want Darkside/Code Veronica Claire and RE4make Ashley, since I'll never get HUNK as a survivor now :cry:
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OK thx.
Do you think they will do a new RE1 Remake? I hope they do some of the side titles like UC or integrate them into the main line. I know that UC has a lot of back story on how Wesker escaped the mansion and I would like to play it and not just watch it on YT.
Or will they do a RE5 remake first? Although I heard that seems to be another controversy for a reason I don't get.
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No problem!
I assume they will at some point. Some people don't want it because they love the old re1 remake while others think the mechanics are still pretty dated. I'm a fan of an re1 remake. It does feel tedious at points now.
I think re5 will lasso eventually get remade (and I think this will happen before re1). Re5's controversy is overblown. The short of it is that people claim that re5 taking place in Africa with Chris (a white male) being the primary protagonist promotes racism. This can certaintly be an issue in games but RE5 is not the case. There wasn't much controversy when it was released and I don't think that will be the case nowadays either.
Umbrella chronicles was a blast and I'd love for it to be remade (darkaide chronicles too) to have some short stories to fill in gaps between games better. The Outbreak games I'd love to be remade since I missed out in them. They had some unique enemies (zombie zoo animals for example) and it was 4 player coop but like a typical re game. These really ought to be remade.
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Really? I know that D. C. Douglass had a controversy going on and that many people will probably not accept another voic actor for Wesker, although here in dbd it worked well.
But that some people were mad about Chris being in Africa? Oh my... How far have we fallen?
I would also like an update for RE0 too. The only thing they need to change for RE1 is to get rid of the fixed camera, get the new graphics and polish Chris' campaign a bit since if you do it like the idiot me and do him first, you miss a lot of the story.
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Yeah Moira would be really cool
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After just finishing Village, I think Mother Miranda could be a Legendary for either Artist (because of the crows) or Plague (symbolising the Mold).
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Rebecca really needs some other outfits! The one here is also nice.
I also found the alternative outfits from RE0 and I like them.