Killer Tier List as of Version 6.7.1

I decided to make a tier list for the killers based on what I perceive their strength to be as of right now with the current meta. A lot of this is based off of how difficult killers are to use vs how effective they are once you learn them well, as well as statistics around win rates and potential. Also as some killers are rarer to encounter than others some of this is also based around how the changes to the game will or might affect a killers effectiveness right now.
Again this is just my opinion on it, if there is any killers on there that people disagree with or take issue with I can give my reasoning as well for any of the choices I made.
I also ranked the killers from left to right - best to worst in each rank category.
*Since people are also so divisive about the Skull Merchant, rather than simply putting her in S, I gave her her own category to more easily explain why she is currently the top killer
For the record I should also clarify, this list was made with the notion of how strong killers are WITHOUT addons, but WITH perks.
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Instantly I have to point out that Pyramid Head, Artist, and Plague are all absolutely disgusting in this current meta. There's a few characters I think are in some strange spots, overall good job though.
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I just noticed Skull Merchant on the top, this is bait, isn't it?
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So Skull Merchant for the record has the statistically proven highest kill and win rate in the game right now, and not just #1, like 10% above #2, that aside, she has 4 drones, only needs 3 to protect a 3 drone, so if one is removed it goes right back, and if survivors do dare remove 2-3 of them, the speed buff she gets is so nuts she can cut a survivor down quickly, to actually stop a well protected 3 gen from a skull merchant who knows what they are doing is so hard it would take an hour long game to even do. Skull Merchant has 3k 90% of games by the stats I believe.
Also, her meta 3 gen strat is not even hard for most players to use or figure out.
Also thank you, honestly was expecting a mad house of comments on this one lol
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Some of the placements make me very confused. Artist is a very strong killer without add-ons, and easier to play than Blight. She should be S-tier according to your criteria. I wonder what has happened to you that lead you to put her in B-tier, personally I hardly ever lose when playing her.
Blight without add-ons is not that great imo. I'd say B-tier.
Bubba without add-ons practically has no chase power and so should be rated as bad as Trapper. His chainsaw also takes time to learn as you need to practice almost every single map tile in the game to loop it tight without crashing. Definitely one of the most punishing killers. I'd say it's the same for Billy although I haven't played him that much. Both should be in the lowest tier.
The rest of the killers placements look surprisingly accurate.
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If this tierlist was WITH add ons then it would make a bit more sense... But without? Some of these placements are just wrong.
The obvious outlier here is Skull Merchant. Shes in no way on the top, her complaints mainly come from her being unfun to go against
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Bubba Top 6 worst Killers in the game without addons? xDDDDDDDDD bruh
Even without addons he can outplay 90% of players on the pallets & loops. But none understand how to play him
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Like I said, never gonna be the perfect tier list, just my opinion, perhaps blight and a few are a bit mismatched when not considering addons, i'm by no means an expert on EVERY killer, I do play 13 of them myself though, but these were my thoughts just based around the new meta and changes to the game.
Skull merchant is obviously divisive, but even without addons it's still super easy to hold a strong 3 gen, that's all you really need to do with her.
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With practice, any killer can outplay 90% of players on pallets & loops, that's not the point
The tier list is ranked by "how difficult the killers are to use" according to OP himself. Bubba is objectively a much more difficult killer to learn than most others in the list.
Put an average Bubba player against average survivors on Autohaven, without add-ons, they'll do much worse than killers like Myers and Clown.
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What does Skull Merchant have over the top 3 killers exactly? Her 3-gens were at their peak before the CoB and OC nerfs. Now she has an okay chase power with the pallet breaking mechanic with some decent tracking and multitasking, but can not down survivors the rate at which Nurse, Blight, and Spirit can. People forget the best slowdown a killer can provide is downing survivors and those three are the best at it.
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I disagree with a few things. I don't think SM is that strong. Also I'm a bit surprised to see Plague and Bubba so low. In my opinion Plague is one of the strongest killers in the game and Bubba is... Well, he's Bubba. And Clown is definitely not stronger than Billy. At the end of the day Billy still has an insta down and map mobility.
I would love to hear your opinion on why you placed these killers that way. I'm genuinely curious.
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She can, unfortunately, still get massive value out of CoB, Overcharge and other gen kicking perks.
She probably won't beat dedicated good teams, but there's not many that would be willing to play a 45 minute game.
For the average player, if she chooses to hold a 3-gen, there still isn't much you can do.
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Just for clairy, I was using multiple factors for the tier list, one of them was difficulty in using a character, but another was how effective they become ONCE you have learned how to use them, so Bubba, while hard to learn, is a lot more effective than some other killers like Myers, once you learn him, myers is all one way or the other killer to me, without addons, even learning a myers will not put you at much of an advantage against good loopers.
As for SM, my logic is simple, if I take a wide majority of the player base and drop them in a skull merchant game (on swf comms), it will be the top 1-5 maybe 10% of players that are gonna do the correct coordinated plays to win that game, however long it takes. I feel right now, current meta, most average players will not properly stop a skull merchant from a 3 or 4k result when dealing with one who knows what they are doing, and is doing it aggressively.
it's just my opinion again, but there are stats to back it up somewhat.
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If Artist is so much easier than Blight and is just as strong, why is she so rare when Blight isn’t?
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I appreciate there are at least some people on the forums that can understand, at least where I'm coming from with my tier list, SM in particular.
The DBD discord is a madhouse, they are in denial of how strong SM is simply cause they hate her, as if their hate lets people win games or something...
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Well from that perspective then I can see that.
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Don't get me wrong, without her 3-gen, she's nothing.
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I mean I agree :)
that's why rather than being put in S Tier, she's in her own category labelled broken, as she is stronger than she should be, and it is too easy to utilize her. IMO she is a stain on the game right now, I'm simply saying how it is in realistic terms, rather than pretending she is bad, because she shouldn't have been released at all :\
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I would assume that some sort of teleportation (that makes it easier for killers to cover great distances) make killers move up on the ladder. Why did you put Freddy together with Ghost and Myers? The other two are slow whereas Freddy is great with add-ons.
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Artist has more counter-plays than blight does, at least to me.
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Because freddy is great with addons, and without addons he's garbage :\
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I don't feel the need to analyze every single piece but some brief thoughts
1. Myers is too high sadly. Without add ons he awful and even with addons he would be lower. I'd likely tale Trapper over myers of both didn't have addons.
2. Skull merchant too high. She's good but not comparably good to the top 10 killers. I think the high kill rate is largely due to people not wanting to deal with her and most new killers start high after release since people are learning how to beat them still
3. Clown, pig, sadako seem too high to me while bubba, Ghostface, and doctor are too low
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Without addons Myers should be next to Trapper
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Because most players use add-ons. I said she's stronger than Blight without add-ons which is the context OP set for his tier list.
With add-ons, Blight and Spirit are stronger than Artist, and barely harder to play.
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I get that Artist doesn’t have the best collection of add ons, but her best ones, mainly the Severed Hands, Festering Carrion, and Thick Tar are surprisingly useful. Not Alc Ring or MDR strength, but very strong in the rights hands.