For those who think Wraith is still a bad killer



  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,139

    Unless you are hearing impaired in some way, you can hear the snarling from so far away that the stealth basically is only useful for that first chase before everyone knows you are wraith.

  • MimiDBD
    MimiDBD Member Posts: 302

    I can win majority (80%) of my matches in pubs with console Trickster. Does not change the fact he is ass and the most frustrating killer imaginable. That is what people are trying to say. The average survivor is trash and since MMR does not work what so ever you really have no idea if you are good or not. The tier-list/ratings of killers does not come from thin air and if you can win 85% of your matches with Wraith you can win even more with a better killer.

    Wraith is Wraith. Good builds and strats any killer can be your Wraith. Hope you can understand that.

  • Merudo
    Merudo Member Posts: 58

    Bruh if you are repairing a gen in a dead zone and you hear the wraith, you are screwed.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 2,967

    I mean, I could post a lot of screenshots of me winning and/or losing and try to make the argument that "I have proof of X" but that does not really mean much. People lose and win all the time, it's nothing inherently new.

    But I partly agree with you here, Wraith is not as bad as people make them out to be, that being said, he also isnt the best either, they get outclassed by many, many Killers; and Wraith has a lot of strengths and weakness working for and against them.

  • Justa335i
    Justa335i Member Posts: 202

    Wraith has bing-bong, what more do you need? S-Tier killer.


    Hes an m1 killer with high mobility, which he cant use in chase (unlike nurse, wesker, spirit, or blight).

  • DavidHypnos
    DavidHypnos Member Posts: 730

    He’s definitely good, no one can argue against that. His biggest advantage is that you really can’t escape from him unless you stay in a jungle gym or loop until he gets bored or eventually gets you. If you’re anywhere other than a great loop he’s gonna get the hit.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,139

    Your problem there is repairing a gen in a dead zone. If you know its a wraith, you shouldn't be doing that kind of thing unless you know the wraith is occupied somewhere else.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    This is the equivalent of me posting a screenshot of a 0k with blight and saying “in case y’all still thought blight was a strong killer….”

  • BreadLord
    BreadLord Member Posts: 274

    "hey guys, this one match that i had proves everything"

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,139

    I like how you take what i said, create a strawman, then argue against that.

    The person said:

    "Bruh if you are repairing a gen in a dead zone and you hear the wraith, you are screwed."

    The answer to that is, why are you repairing a gen in a dead zone when you don't know where the wraith is or you don't have some way to deal with that? This is precisely the problem with survivors in general. They expect every single killer to be "countered" by doing the exact same thing, but that is not the case. Some killers are better at some things, but worse at others. That is just the nature of the game.

    To expound a bit on my statement though. Wraith is great at catching the survivor by surprise. If there is a generator that you know is in a dead zone, you should not be repairing it unless:

    • You know where the wraith is
    • You have a perk like sprint burst or lithe with a nearby window to get to safety if the wraith appears
    • You are not injured.

    Especially that last one. You need to use game sense and examine what is happening so you can make a decision about what the best play is. Survivors don't have to repair every single generator, go try and repair a generator NOT in a dead zone. And if "wraith is camping it" then sounds like you CAN repair that generator in that dead zone because the wraith is busy doing other things.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,543

    For the record, I was meme'ing.

    You can tell because I didn't actually make any arguments. I just said my ######### and terrible one-liner and left.

  • BloodBird
    BloodBird Member Posts: 143

    Please be aware I'm not posting this to prove any kind of "point", I was just very proud of this game.

    No tunneling, No slugging, No camping, No perks, No addons, 12 hooks 😁

  • Samwill226
    Samwill226 Member Posts: 41

    I don't get the hate with his top add-ons hes a tier S killer for me. I can wipe the map with him. Stealth and speed plus the ability to see gen progress. I don't get the hate.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,098

    i agree that a lot of people underrate him but "look at this one game i played" is not definitive proof