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PS4 - Initialization Error

bm33 Member Posts: 8,326

Today when playing both myself and my SWF teammate have run into this error. We are both on PS4 on North East US servers.

First time it happened to me when I was playing couple solo matches before he logged on. After a match I had an "unexpected error" that kicked me back to the main menu. I closed and reopened the game only to get this error message. I closed and reopened once and it went away.

Later when I was playing with my SWF teammate he encountered this error message. The game had disconnected him during the match (there is already a bug report on forums for forced kick from match) so he closed and reopened the game only to have this message pop up. It took him closing and reopening several times before he could log back in. At same time I checked if I would have same error message if I closed and reopened - I did not receive error message but I noticed it was loading much slower than normal.

Several matches later we had a match where everyone in the lobby had a high ping (over 150, previous matches ping was normal) like we were sent to a server that wasn't the North East US server we should be on. After the match I had a grade progress error followed by "unexpected error" that kicked me back to the main menu. I closed and tried to reopen but again had this Initialization Error message. I didn't try seeing how long it would last, instead came here to make this bug report and move on to playing something else.

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