4 things that have been fixed for a long time

FeryGEN Member Posts: 627
edited May 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

4 things that have already been waiting for more than 1 year, many may be even longer:

  1. Points in the category of sacrifice. Why don't killers still get the maximum bloodpoints? Survivors in the survival category were fixed a week after the cap was raised
  2. DC survivors. A survivor's disconnect does not count towards death, for which the killer does not receive points in the Sacrifice category. Moreover, survivors who lost a survivor at the beginning of the game lose MMR and rank points in this way. Even challenges in which you need to kill survivors or sacrifice them do not count this as progress, because, apparently, having disconnected, the survivor actually escaped. Again, if the killer disconnects, everyone is given 5000 points for escaping. Have the entity automatically devour disconnected survivors.
  3. Dark Devotion no cooldown. First, the perk was buffed by removing the cooldown, then it got a bug where the cooldown is equal to its effect, but this bug has not been fixed, and for more than 2 years the perk has been located near the residence of SpongeBob
  4. A statistic that hasn't affected anything so far. When there will be impressive rewards for Devotion, 100th prestige, luck.


  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,244

    for point 1. Yes it's stupid that getting max in this category is borderline impossible (you need to have a few hooks in EGC and 12 hooks in general). But the same can be said about survivor BP's overall. Like the best example would be - Otz likes to challenge himself with hard things to do just for fun. One of his challenges (which took quite some time - but sure not an eternity) was to manage a single game where he would get full 40K BP score. Why is it so damn hard, that even veteran player that likes hard challenges makes it a challenge to get full score? And is hard-pressed in achieving it? Why does killer in general has easier time in getting bloodpoints (even if incentives are on survivor side)?

    Please fix both of these issues.