Is it possible to increase the volume of the hatch sog?


With so many killers having their own chase music now it's sometimes hardly possible to hear the hatch, especially on indoor maps because the walls muffle sounds. Would it be possible to increase the volume of the hatch sog? Even with headphones on I have problems to locate the hatch and I have no hearing problems.


  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 532

    I think this would make the hatch harder to find, because when you start hearing that sound, you won't know how far it is (or it'll be farther away than you think).

    Or it would make it easier for the killer to find, which they usually find it first 90% of the time as it is. This is the same reason I don't like hatch offerings, because it also tells the killer where the hatch will be.