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Buff to Fire Up

LatexT Member Posts: 111

Wouldn't it be cool if Fire Up's speed buff applied to EVERY SINGLE killer action aside from movement? Like, faster hooking, faster successful/missed hit cooldown, faster grab, and so on. Tell me what you think


  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    It needs a atleast a 30% speed increase as  iz wouldnt be worth picking it up over bamboozle or brutal strengh which work consistantly throughput the game.
  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    it does make hooking faster, it's just such a tiny amount you barely notice.

    It helps Vaults, Pallet breaks, picking up, and hooking.

  • LatexT
    LatexT Member Posts: 111

    @FrenziedRoach said:
    it does make hooking faster, it's just such a tiny amount you barely notice.

    It helps Vaults, Pallet breaks, picking up, and hooking.

    It does? I never noticed it. Still... Wouldn't this buff be good enough to make it viable?
    They will never buff the numbers since it would make BS useless

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    @LatexT said:

    @FrenziedRoach said:
    it does make hooking faster, it's just such a tiny amount you barely notice.

    It helps Vaults, Pallet breaks, picking up, and hooking.

    It does? I never noticed it. Still... Wouldn't this buff be good enough to make it viable?
    They will never buff the numbers since it would make BS useless

    Have a look for yourself, it's all here

  • Bayside
    Bayside Member Posts: 40

    Actually, Fire Up combined with Bamboozle on Myers right now is really damn good. Makes vaulting insane and you can actually get hits off Survivors with the combo. But aside from using it with Bamboozle, I agree it does need a bit of a buff. Should probably make it so the first token you get actually gives you a speed increase as well. And maybe make it so you start with a token or two I don't know. And then maybe increase the intervals to 10%/12%/14%/16%. So you get more out of the perk at the start but a little less out of it in the late game.

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    It does need a buff.

    The issue with some perks is that some people just use the same 8-10 perks. They find what they like and stick with it.

    People don't try different stuff usually. Fire up needs a +2% at all levels buff. That would be a start and would make it more effective.

    A lot of perks need this. Buffed because they simply never get used. I've seen 1 killer run lightborn in the last 6 months. I'm serious.

    Fire up? I see it rarely. Then you have a perk like "Monstrous Shrine" which could use a buff too. Even if you get lucky and get 1 person in the basement it is borderline worth fooling with. The perks in this game are amazing.

    They just need to buff the lesser used ones a small amount to switch up the meta.

    If you have 30 strong perks to use, but can only use 4... it switches it up.

    For survivors... any good survivor or tryhard.

    Sprint Burst, Self Care, Decisive Strike, Adrenaline/Borrowed Time/OoO/Dead Hard

    I see Sprint Burst and Self Care ALL THE TIME. All the time. They are great perks, but we need other perks that no one uses to be buffed to give people the thought of changing up their style.?

  • Tradebaron
    Tradebaron Member Posts: 135
    Been wondering if Fire Up and Brutal Strength on the clown would be worth it. Seems like it's good for his chasing.
  • LatexT
    LatexT Member Posts: 111

    @Tradebaron said:
    Been wondering if Fire Up and Brutal Strength on the clown would be worth it. Seems like it's good for his chasing.

    It's actually the same as the others, I don't think FU gives him that better chasing ability, BS instead is always good

  • Tradebaron
    Tradebaron Member Posts: 135
    Don't they stack though? That's what I meant.
  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543

    @Tradebaron said:
    Don't they stack though? That's what I meant.

    they do but you trade 2 perk slots for 0.5 seconds on pallet.
    seems worth it?

  • Blu3Shad0w12
    Blu3Shad0w12 Member Posts: 18
    I would agree fire up would need a buff 
  • Tradebaron
    Tradebaron Member Posts: 135
    I didn't know it was that low. I don't look at the exact numbers. I always thought fire up was at least decent 
  • Soren
    Soren Member Posts: 369

    @Dwight_Confusion said:
    I see Sprint Burst and Self Care ALL THE TIME. All the time. They are great perks, but we need other perks that no one uses to be buffed to give people the thought of changing up their style.?

    Survivor meta is not there because they are the only strong perks. They have a ton of other perks to choose from. We'll Make It, Quick & Quiet, Lithe, Bond, Urban Evasion, Iron Will... among many, many others. The actual meta is just the most straight forward. One perk to heal yourself. One perk to run fast. One perk to have a second chance. Last perk of your choice.