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PS4 - Survivor froze after Wesker throw

bm33 Member Posts: 8,326

Match on Gas Heaven map I could no longer move my survivor after Wesker threw me into a wall. I had been thrown several times already in the match with no issue - couple times thrown with no injury, couple times thrown with injury into empty wall or tires. The throw that froze me was inside the gas station, he threw me into a corner where there was a totem and my character was frozen in the air in the thrown position (pic below). The killer walked to the side of my character then waited a second before hitting me to the ground.

I was able to hit skill checks both for wiggle and hook struggle so thought maybe it was fixed. Teammate unhooked me and immediately healed me, when they were done I couldn't move - only my head would move with the camera. Another teammate came over to use spray on me and same thing, couldn't move but could move my head with the camera. Killer came over once I had 3 crows, hit me with basic attack and I still could not move except for moving my head around with camera. I had to wait until the killer finally sacrificed me to move on to a new match.

Steps to recreate

1. Public match, crossplay on, PS4, against Wesker, on Gas Heaven map.

2. Get thrown into corner wall with totem inside the gas station.

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