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Pretty sure prestige is a bit broken

cheifscottyt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1
edited June 2023 in Bug Reporting

So I'm on Xbox x and after the update with the prestige change it put my Dwight 2 prestige 6 which is my main for survivor but it only gave me the bloody shirt so he's now at 22 and I still only got that and I thought it was weird bc my trapper is prestige 12 I think and he has only the weapon body bloody up but the other killers who r less prestiged have like all of the bloody cosmetics I don't remember where they r at but I think they r above 10 or a lil less so I feel like something wrong here so pls help. So I checked rq all my killers til artist is prestige 6 and got the bloody cosmetics but trapper who like I said is prestige 12 don't have them Dwight has 2 pieces his shirt and pants missing his bloody head still don't have the head piece for trapper

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