General Discussions

General Discussions


Everyone complains a lot about BHVR...can we maybe admit that us, we, the community are the problem? At least most of it? BHVR can add or take away, alter perks, this that and everything else..but the negativity is coming from US as a community and our play styles, our actions, our reactions, our words etc. we are making this game miserable, not BHVR. Until we can learn to be kinder to each other, this game will continue to feel terrible no matter what comes or goes.

*Long post alert*

Ex. 1 : I want to say, last night while playing killer..I did my objective and you know, killed a particular Kate. It was a 2k overall. It was end game, they finished the gen across the map and her team made no attempts to come for her. I will admit, I didn't go far..because at that point, why would I? I knew they just finished the gen across the map right next to the gate. She died. She messaged me, angry. I tried to keep it short and to the point. She looked up my twitch (I have ttv in my name) made it a point to suggest I do my makeup differently (??? as if I wear the same makeup daily as my profile pik). The point of this was because I as killer, killed someone..and they were mad..they wouldn't let it go to the point they had to look me up and comment on me, as an actual human...because they died in a game.

Ex. 2: Today I was playing Plague and I really just wanted to play was early and I just wanted to have fun. The team I was going against was a SWF that brought me to the Game. They somehow couldn't grasp I was trying to be friendly, so I just stood by them and puked on them whenever they'd come by me. the end.

I got them in my Lobby again, they brought me to the Game again..this time I very lightly played...since they didn't understand last time..keep in mind when I say I came to play..i mean I don't even bring perks (except lightborn) or add ons...I did kill one of them, but it was done fair. Game ends. I have two of them (ironically not even the one I killed, he went to my Twitch and followed me apparently) sending me terrible, terrible messages about how awful I am...told me I should be ashamed to be a P24 Plague and i'm garbage etc.

So it brings me to this....

I kill survivors..they message me to tell me i'm a terrible killer

I try to play "friendly" with survivors..they message me to tell me i'm a terrible killer

I don't kill any survivors..they still message me and tell me i'm garbage.....

????? Seems unavoidable that no matter what a killer does, we're always going to have to hear about how garbage we are. We don't deserve this. It's a game...without killers, DBD doesn't function..unless they assign bots as killers when we're all tired of being abused.

I know the solution I will be told is "turn off your messages." And then I ask you, why do I have to turn my messages off to not be harassed for playing a role in a game?

When I kill people, I don't send them messages after. When they get away, I don't send them messages after. I don't waste my time harassing survivors. Idk...I just think this community is very torn, and we try to justify certain behaviors or dismiss them as misinterpreted or whatever..but overall, things will not change until we can treat each other with more respect and realize at the end of the day..this is a game..and we are real humans behind it playing.

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  • Member Posts: 5,347

    The internet has made people much colder when it comes to how we treat others. It's that anonymous safe screen. You see how many insult MMA and boxers online because of this, because I guarantee they would not have the balls to do it in person. It's all over, sadly. Humans are devolving into a species of vanity and self-importance, losing much of the empathy.

    When it comes to DBD, the playerbase (I try not to use the word "community", because it's hard to see that side often) is more at fault than the makers. Granted, BHVR have messed up in the past (the "Tools of Torment" chapter and the whole NFT debacle as examples).

    Yet the playerbase has been far worse: Racism with the Bubba masks, endgame messages wanting people to die, attacks on people purely for wearing the LGBTQ+ charms, the BHVR anniversary streams where people just type "Boring!" And such consistently whilst some people are sharing their plans, the numerous amount of bad ideas for how to change the game, the side-picking, the wanting changes - getting changes - then complaining about those changes.

    There are many players who are nice and I've had lovely endgame chats with them! Then again, they don't get mentioned as much because people prefer drama to feel-good stuff. There's a few psychological reasons why which I won't bore you with and you probably know anyway, but drama and self-importance currently is often what people are attracted to.

  • Member Posts: 478

    I completely agree with this. As a fellow killer main i'm done trying to be nice to survivors or let them have a fun game. I'm treated like garbage in end game regardless of how I play so i figured if im going to get hate for doing my objective I may as well earn that hate right. Now i don't go around camping and tunneling every game but as in your example 1 in end game when you know the other gate is going to be open why wouldn't you hang around the opposite gate where you have a hooked survivor. That's not camping because your being a dick thats camping because its the logical and smart thing to do. I think survivor and killer mains need to get there head our of their asses and just take the L because bottom line is if you died in game you lost. There is no "your garbage because you tuneled". no "your a trash killer" when you get a 4k and no "your a garbage survivor" just because you got killed (from a killer point of view.

    The community needs to grow up and just play the game for what it is....a game and if whoever reads this doesnt like how a killer/survivor plays in game then my suggestion is to turn the game off, take a step back and go play a different game because at the end of the day it doesn't matter.

  • Member Posts: 1,933

    No, we are not

  • Member Posts: 368

    I know the solution I will be told is "turn off your messages." And then I ask you, why do I have to turn my messages off to not be harassed for playing a role in a game?

    Because it is an option available to you. You don't have to do it, but it is a solid way to prevent receiving those kinds of messages. It's up to each person to decide whether or not the angry/mean posts they receive are troublesome enough to turn off messages or not. I get them, but it's fairly infrequent and on the whole don't bother me enough to turn off chat/etc.

    can we maybe admit that us, we, the community are the problem?

    I think this is a bit of false equivalence here. Just because some people act poorly towards someone else =/= it's fine to leave in elements of the game that cause issues. Is BHVR ultimately responsible for the people's behavior? No, that's on the individuals. They are responsible for their behavior. Should BHVR still remove elements of gameplay that allow players to grief other people? More than likely, yes.

    As for the community part..... The answer is not really. There is no grand DBD community except in the loosest sense of "we all, at least sometime, play DBD". I doubt that majority of players engage with DBD social media. They just play the game and maybe say something (nice or otherwise) in end game chat. We're largely thrown into matches with random people that we may never see again in any other match, much less on the wider internet.

  • Member Posts: 3,387

    I genuinely believe the community is NOT a problem. It's Internet people that are the problem.

    (Not you people though, you're all lovely)

  • Member Posts: 533

    Couldn't agree more! Some of the responses on this thread alone, are perfect examples of the attitude I speak of. My fiance and I have had that conversation too, how most of what people say on the internet they would never say to your face..especially the gaming community...everyone is brave when they're anonymous. sigh

  • Member Posts: 533

    My point is that I shouldn't have to turn off my messages, maybe people should have some self control and not harass others over a game. But alas, I did turn off my messages..because things will not change and I don't care to hear about it everytime I do my objective and kill a survivor..or don't kill them it seems.

  • Member Posts: 533

    You know it's funny you say that, because i've had matches where the killer is destroying everyone..and then i'm just like what happened, why is everything silent...? Three gens later, RIP haha

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