Dead by Daylight returning player experience

This is what my first experience with the game was after playing for abour 3-4 hours.
I tried to play survivors first(soloq).
First game was a 3gen skull merchant, we all died at 3 gens.
Second game was againts a Dredge, we died because we didn't play good.
Third game was againts a Huntress, we all died becaue my teammates hook bombed a hooked survivor and they got downed, I was at the exit gate and againts my better judgement I chose to be altruistic and died as well.
Fourth game was againts a Wesker, we all died because my teammates decided to throw a basement party.
Then I switched to killer, I only played 2 games with Wraith.
First was a 2k, survivors played really good.
Second game I adjusted my build a bit and got a 4k againts survivors who sent me to the Ormond realm.
I didn't enjoy the game too much because there's nothing different since I stopped playing, I could say the game is in an ever worse state now and soloq is at its worst than it ever was.
SWF and goot teams will still do good even againts strongest killers but that's really not the majority of the playerbase and the general experience a player will experience when playing Dead by Daylight.
I really dislike BHVR pumping out content just for the sake of it, when it reality it just makes the game worse(Skull Merchant, Knight, poorly balanced maps, perks that are just there because content = playerbase no matter how bad it is questionmark) .
After just a few hours I already feel like giving up playing the game again because there's nothing new in terms of gameplay, new killers or survivors or perks make no difference to me, knowing the game will be just as unfun with or without a new chapter.
The only way to save this game is to forget about the new chapters every 3 months and rework a lot of the game mechanics that make the game feel like you're punishing yourself for playing.
Well tbh a lot of your games as survivor seems to be from you not knowing how to loop or counter killers effectively as a iridescent ranked survivor and killer the game is still winnable for survivors there’s just ups and downs on both sides and it’s on you as a player to actually be able to deal with it.
For example, if a killer camps then gen rush or if a survivor throws the game which happens a lot then you may have to be the one who loops for most of the game it’s still possible I done it and seen survivors do it to me as killer
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But if that's the experience of vast majority of survivors. Maybe it's the GAME'S fault instead? How is it that average killer can easily 4k against average survivor (making soloQ absolute nightmare)? Why do you need outright BAD killer to get an escape as survivor if you don't put 5K hrs into scrims against best killers and being coached by people having 10K+ hrs? That just screams for the game to slowly die as there will be no new survivors...
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people will always say that you don't know how to loop, more lately to beat an experienced killers in solo q, you have to do everything for the killer not to find you, you have to play as stealthy as possible, have the 3 others Survivors die for you to find the hatch, that's the only way can escape in matches.
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I mean the fact they release killers that make the game worse, and dont adress them properly or fix issues that's been making the game worse since forever is telling enough why the game has such a toxic community and its losing players.
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I mean... since you took time off it's more like you need to start thinking and planning accordingly... same with me
It's not all the game... It's not supposed to be easy coming back after multiple Killers and perks came out
Players do need to change up how they play the game to stop it from being stale
SM- 3Genning... needs to change (yes it's half and half between BHVR and players)
Camping Killers- Survivors need to be aware of why Camping is a thing... and Killers need to be more understanding as to why Survivors don't like Camping and when to do it
Tunneling Killers- Survivors need to be aware of why Tunneling is a thing... And Killers need to understand when to do it and why Survivors don't like it (those Survivors that like being chased will not like being Tunneled as well
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Camping hook, gens, tunneling, is incredibly boring and unfun, until this is removed from the game, everyone will try abusing it as much as they can to get an advantage or make the experience for their opponents as unfun as possible.
Also they seriously need to change their tactic to releasing content every 3 months because if the content is bad it will make the game worse not better.
I think dbd would have a bigger playerbase if the last 2 chapters didn't exist, because it didn't do a favor to the game releasing such unfun killers for both sides.
Dont release new content until you fix your old one, especially in a live competitive game like dbd .
Post edited by Adaez on1 -
Yea some of the blame does lay with BHVR but at the end of the day they can't rely on fixing with they have
They should've fixed the game before Mickey came into the game
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Well if they want the game to go for a lot more years they need to fix it sooner rather than later.
They should take those months of filler content that hurts the game more than it helps to instead use it to for game health and leave the good stuff to anniversary events and chapters.
Post edited by Adaez on0 -
There's a lot of could'a, should'a, would'a when it comes to DBD
But when you are giving time to play... just play and stop worrying about what others do
Just handle things you can control
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lately the behavior has helped solo q, even more with this anti-camping, it will be perfect.
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It doesn't matter how much they improve SoloQ, they can't change player's mentality, you can't stop a player to keep hiding, or stoping them to take the killer were you're repairing.
That's why swf has become essential and killers love SoloQ, because is the Easy mode