Is it still worthwhile to kick gens?

New player here. I've seen yt videos saying both. Kick them and ignore them. If I have no regression perks, is it worth it?
Usually, without any perks? No.
Sometimes though, kicking it is better than nothing.
If you don't see any Survivors/having nothing to do, kick them. If you can see a Survivor, do not kick it.
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It really depends on the situation you are in, how many gens have been finished, what killer are you playing, are you in chase, etc.
If you are actively in a chase, no you aren't going to stop the chase to kick a gen. Probably not even if you had regression perks.
The survivors only have 1 gen left to go and they have one at 95%? Yeah, kick that gen.
Those are kind of the extreme ends of the spectrum. You give up a little bit of time to, likely, get a small reward. You have the potential of getting a massive reward, especially at lower MMRs, where you kick a gen with a lot of progress and then no one comes back to touch it.
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It depends on the situation. If you can guarantee that no survivor will touch that gen for a while or you have perks that synergize gen kicking, then kick the hell out of these gens. Otherwise you'll mostly waste your time by kicking gens.
There is one situation though where kicking the gen is crucial. If you find multiple survivors on a gen that is nearly completed, you will want to kick it and then chase someone close to that gen. Not only do you pressure the survivors by threatening to delete a part of their progress, you also prevent them from instantly getting back to it as soons as you go after someone else and immediately finish it.
This is something that comes with experience. You'll get a feeling for when it's worth to kick generator and when not.
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Seconding the other answers- it generally depends on context, and trends towards 'No'.
If you don't lose much time by doing it, because you already got a hook/down near that area or something, go right ahead. The 2.5% instant regression isn't much, but hey, it's something. If there's something immediately more pressing to do, like a survivor nearby or some information telling you another generator is actively being repaired, probably leave it.
That being said, perks that synergise with kicking gens are absolutely worthwhile to bring. Not even just regression perks, Nowhere To Hide is one of the strongest info perks in the game imo.