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About the upcoming Anti-Face Camping Mechanic


When I was watching the anniversary stream, I was impressed that BHVR found a way to stop face camping without hurting fair Killers, until I heard one detail: The self-unhook bar slows down when a Survivor is near the hook.

Why not have it stop?

I can't think of any scenario where a face camping Killer is preventing an unhook and a Survivor wants to stay near the hook, instead of doing Gens while the self-unhook bar takes care of the camping. So having the bar stop wouldn't actually benefit face campers.

However the bar still filling while a Survivor is nearby could mean situations where a coordinated group with kinship leads a not camping Killer on chases near the hooked Survivor to force the bar to fill.

Now without knowing any numbers its hard to say how likely or effective this scenario is, but why have a feature that doesn't make the mechanic any better at punishing face camping, but could be used against fair Killers, in the first place?


  • lifeisstrange
    lifeisstrange Member Posts: 300

    Nope every killer can face camp specially with stfbl/broken add ons, Bubba the king of it, it is time to put him out of commission we survivors long suffer enough of this.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,040

    I think it's fair to wait and see how this functions on its PTB, whenever that happens. I don't disagree with you, but it's possible the bar slows to the point it may as well be stopped, and there's not much of a reason to complain about that scenario.

    Still, the bar stopping does seem like the better idea. We'll wait and see.

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 866

    What trolling? In the current patch, the bar is already stopped.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Yeah I hope that

    1. The bar stops when survivors are nearby or when killer isn't around

    2. Killers get notified that the bar is filling.

    3. The range be reduced. 16 meters feels pretty far reaching (especially including maps like The Game where you could be below them unable to protect a hook but they get it anyways).

    3. There is a time limit on when you can use the bar. It will get super old for both sides for the killer to be gone but the survivor unhooks afterwards. Neither side really wins in this

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,451

    Proxy camping should still be fine though?

    What about standing on the second floor on Gideon not close to stairs but the hooked survivor being just below you? A survivor could take you close to hooks on purpose without you "facecamping"..they have to treat this very carefully. I think it can backfire.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,307

    Bit concerned how this would play out vs a Huntress camping on top of the basement stairs, though.

    Her hatchet-M1 combo typically means the survivor can’t even reach the top of the stairs, even with OTR.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,038

    Problem is, this is not going to work against Bubba. He can just chew through the endurance and down you again straight after. If anything, this anti-camp mechanism might make facecamp Bubba more effective.

    I don't think this mechanism is going to go over well. It still has some room for exploitation on both ends. IMO, what should be done against camping is that the hook timer gets slowed per survivor working on a gen, squared. IE: One person on gen -> 5% slower hook timer. Two people on gens -> 10% slower hook timer per survivor, totalling 20%. Three people on gens -> 15% slower hook timer per survivor, totalling 45%.

    Makes gen-slamming actually counter camping, makes it so that survivors occupying the killer around the hook renders the mechanism near pointless, and gets massively broken down if the killer chases someone off a gen like they should.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,947

    I'm really curious to see the PTB because I know people are going to test the limits and try every scenario and combination out. Hopefully that resolves the issues prior to live. It's an unexpected solution to camping. I thought the best case scenario would be the hook teleporting to a new location, but this makes more sense since that would hurt survivors about to hit second stage or die if they get teleported too far from any rescuers. I wonder if this will change any perks.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,600

    I'd argue this is more of a basement makes camping far too easy problem

  • saintjimmy456
    saintjimmy456 Member Posts: 185

    Looks like killers are making the most of face camping before it ends based on my games today. Bring on the update and let them learn a new skill. (or any skill in some cases)

  • bazarama
    bazarama Member Posts: 204

    "(or any skill in some cases)"

    Yeah because there is so much skill in dropping pallets and doing gens.

    1 chase = 3 gens

    That's what needs fixed.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    I agree that the camping goods etc should get a nerf...but I hope they also buff other killer activities (either chase, gen defense, scouting, etc) . If it's just a nerf and killers aren't given anything I'd be super disappointed

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 866

    I am saying that since it doesn't exist, it's already like that in current patch.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,063

    They should stop everything from affecting multiple floors. Penalties, boons, drones, terror radii (maybe reduce the terror radius by 75% - 50% if on another floor from the survivor).

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 15,335

    The thing is, it is impossible to make a perfect solution which works all the time and cannot be abused. I think their solution is decent and I am quite positive about it, even if it has weaknesses. E.g. proxy-camping is still allowed and strong. Furthermore, there wil still be Survivors who decide to not do Gens but crouch near the Hook because the Killer who camped for 90 seconds will surely go away during the last 30 seconds. And those will let the bar move slower.

    However, in general it is an improvement because it makes camping weaker (more or less, depending how smart the other 3 Survivors are) while making sure that a Killer does not get punished when the Survivors swarm a Hook and the bar deactivating in Endgame. (Which is debatable why a Killer should deserve the Endgame-Kill when they sucked all game before, but there is not much they can do anyway at this point, so it is fine that the bar is deactivated when all Gens are done)

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,353

    Why would killers receive buffs or anything in compensation for… face camping nerfs? Lol.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 15,335

    Buffing or Nerfing things does not mean that there should be any compensation or penalty or that the other side HAS to receive the same treatment.

  • Blinckx
    Blinckx Member Posts: 426

    The more I think about it, the more this "mechanics" is stupid and wrong. There are countless occasions where you have two hooks close together, perhaps with a generator in close proximity. Am I now forced to leave a position of total advantage? Not to mention maps like The Game where it's very easy to stay close to the hook even on a different level

    Either the radius is really small (at most 2 meters and in this case it ONLY blocks the face camp) or it is unprecedented idiocy

    Also this "mecahic" should NOT work on 2nd stage hook, it's beyond ridiculous, plus if you self unhook you have endurance and haste

    What else ? teleport ? insta gen repair ? please give me a break

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405
    edited May 2023

    I agree it shouldn't generally be the case that they get a buff to areas if some are nerfed, but it is true that things like gen defense are very weak nowadays. This doesn't change the gen rushing meta

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,079

    "What about two-story Maps?

    As it stands, this system will remain active and function as intended on Maps with multiple floors like The Game or Midwich Elementary School. We’d like to clarify that this may possibly lead to edge cases where a Killer is falsely punished for face-camping, so we will be monitoring this closely following release and adjusting as needed."

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    I think the point of the mechanic is to heavily discourage what BHVR views as anti-social behaviour, it's not for the sake of balance. So it makes sense that they would make it available regardless of whether it's the first or second hook state, whilst disabling it entirely when the gates are powered.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,569

    Sure, but it's the same with Bubba or Trapper having all exits trapped in shack. If you get down near the basement, esp. against a killer that is strong at protecting a basement hook, you misplayed and should not have a guaranteed escape due to this mechanic, imo.

    All you can do then is use the self unhook at the last possible time per state, so you waste as much time as possible of a camping killer.