DBD needs to implement some sort of way to check what server you are playing on
This game has been out for 7 years now and I cannot believe that they have yet to implement some sort of HUD thing to show us players which specific server we are connected to in each separate game we enter. The reason why we need this is because some of us are facing higher ping issues as of recent. Now, to see if this is a problem from our end, we would need some kind of indication of what server we are playing on to see if the pings are the same as they have always been or if its different and we are still connected to the exact same server in the same region, then the problem is MOST likely from our side. As of recent I have had my ping go from 95 all the way up to 150 consistently and I have no way of checking if the issue is that the game is placing in a server that is further away from me or if im in the region im supposed to be on and its just my internet. I usually play on Frankfurt servers, that is where i get 95 ping, the lowest. Recently my ping has went up to 150 EACH game i play. My assumption is that im being placed into a different server than I should be placed in because im not the only one thats ping changed. To test this i had my friend that is in the same country and using a different Internet service provider join me and we play a game and we are both getting 150 ping when we both used to get 95 ping literally 2 weeks ago. This has happened to me after that stupid 50 mb useless update they put out and it messed everything for me and ever since, my games have been 150 ping and above and it is unplayable and sucks. I would also suggest that to avoid this issue in the longrun and make it easier to see where the issue is, they should implement some way to be able to CHOOSE what server you want to play on instead of putting in you in whatever server they see fit. This would help the playerbase greatly and would avoid all these problems due to the fact that some of us can be tossed into servers that are way further than the regular servers we used to play on. Thanks for reading and sorry for the huge rant hahah.