Doctor is Impossible

Lately I’ve been facing a lot of Doctors that use all generator regression perks. It is the only time I have ever experienced matches where my team doesn’t even finish completing a single generator.
You start the match, so far so good, you get going on your gens, then you hear the Doctor start using his power. Bam, you are chased away. He kicks your generator, you get crazy. You go back to generator and he knocks someone down, bam! Jolt knocks you back again. Or maybe no one is down and he gets you with overcharge. Either way, he comes over.
Maybe you escape his chase, maybe he gets you down, because he times his sparks so you can’t vault or use any pallets (also super cheap). All the while people are healing up, people are messing up on generators. Nothing is getting done. Let’s say you finally get up to finish the generator. Bam! Merciless storm 🙄 Merciless storm on the doctor is absolutely ridiculous. The quick checks are blinking back and forth and all around so you are sure to mess up. Again, you generator is regressing. Now people have been hooked multiple times, people are hurt and have already wasted so much time healing. 5 generators are still left to do.
I’ll also try working on generators with other people and we will get it all the way up to the very top only for my partner to bust it at the last second and run away. It is so incredibly frustrating.
I literally just get to a point where I am like, why am I playing this? I just let him kill me or disconnect and move onto the next match. Only, it’s the freaking Doctor AGAIN and they are using the same builds or variations of the same builds!
can they increase the time of overcharge? I get hit with it nonstop in a match and it is so hard to time the quick time. And merciless storm needs to be reworked on the doctor. It should stay in place like normal. Why does it blink around the screen and make it literally impossible to accomplish?
Sounds like you are most likely playing with a bunch of new players and getting matched up against a Doctor who seems to be fairly more skilled than you and your teammates. He's a difficult killer to deal with at lower levels, but weirdly pretty toothless once you have people who can handle working in madness and can hit overcharge skill checks.
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Doesn't sound like the Doctor is more skilled. Sounds like an uptick in impossible skill checks Doc to me.
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The only fun I really have anymore working on gens is Madness 2 Merciless Storm checks.
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I usually run dark devotion and hex face the darkness. Endless screams for everyone
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I looove playing this sorta Doctor. Caulrophobia, Merciless Storm, Distressing, Unnerving Presense.
Even better with a Game or Midwich offering 😈
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Sorry OP but the overcharge skillcheck is incredibly easy to land, even against doctor, with all the BS killers can use, are we really complaining about skillcheck doctor? One of the easiest gimmick builds to beat, however if you are new to dbd then yeah maybe I can see how it can feel strong, however after like 300 hours you will be inmune to it.
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Well then I will make your lives worse.....Dark Devotion, merciless storm, Huntress Lullaby, and probably jolt for kicks......but then I add King And Queen just to make Survivors lives horrible.....
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Can confirm. I’ve been playing a lot of doctor with jolt, pain res, fear monger, and merciless storm. I never tunnel or camp. I hook each survivor once without chasing a survivor that’s been hooked. Then do it again for the second hook. Then kill them. It’s rare I kill a survivor before everyone is on death hook unless they do something stupid or I forget that they were already on death hook. The only teams to beat me are SWFs. Occasionally, there’s a survivor that’s exceptionally good at looping so I ignore them and come back for them later when their team has exhausted the pallets. Even then I like to give the best survivor the hatch if I can.
Doctor is easily one of the easiest killers to 4k on.
As a survivor main the best thing to do against doctor is locate the nearest locker to your gen and jump in it when you hear him charging his power. Obviously this isn’t always possible but it’s good to do when you can. Quick and Quiet is a permanent perk in my build so I never alert him when I jump in a locker to avoid Static Blast.
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Sounds like you ran into an impossible gen Doctor. This shouldn't be much of an issue honestly, at least for the first few gens. The final 3 is where it gets really bad if you don't plan accordingly. Not being able to get a single gen done seems like it could be more at the fault of some newer teammates who struggle to hit madness skill checks or get scared and run from the generator. My biggest tips for playing against Doctor are to use lockers when you hear him charging a blast, and don't stay at one loop for too long. If he keeps shocking you to prevent a pallet drop or window vault, move to another loop. It is a better alternative to staying at the current one and hoping he uses a shock wrong, plus it is super effective when killers aren't thinking about it. If you can break line of sight, you should have plenty of time to move to the next loop.
Unfortunately you usually won't see a Doctor using anything else. That playstyle is the most effective for him and a lot of people are aware of that.
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Even with skilled teammates, the doctor is still ridiculous. I’ve played 3 today. 2 sent us to Meat Packing Plant and one was on Raccoon City. I play with 2 other friends and we’ve been playing for over a year on this game.
All 3 doctors did the same things. Had perks that messed with your quick checks, zapped you as you tried to drop pallets and killed all 4 survivors.
I’m really and truly sick of this killer. It is so cheap playing against the doctor who is using and abusing the systems of the game. Maybe it is fun as a killer, but it is NOT fun to play against this kind of doctor as a survivor.
I need a nerf on him. Make it so his power doesn’t impact quick checks. It needs to happen.
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Doctor is one of the weaker killers so he is more likely to get buffs. When you reach higher ranks you will laugh at this and complain about the only strong killers who are Nurse and Blight.
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I sometimes play AS Doctor with a skill check build. It's a very mixed bag, some games the survivors barely get one gen repaired by the time I've slaughtered them, other games I'm fighting tooth and nail to get a couple of sacrifices in endgame. His map pressure might be strong for a low mobility killer, but he's fairly weak in chase unless you can master his loop denial, and then survivors can just run to the next loop.
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Giga-chad detected.
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Zapping requires well-timed hits only a skilled Doctor can do. Especially in a loop where you run around him and zapping you can still give you time to do another loop and drop the pallet in his face. You mostly were matched with a great player.
I used to have a build with Sloppy, Distressing and Coulrophobia. Because there is an increased emphasis on doing gens and healing has a much lower priority of these 3 I only kept Distressing. I think more people are focusing on gen regression these days but it is not impossible to beat him.
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I too don't like going against doctors when I play survivor,but only because I play on 20 fps on a very low end pc and skillchecks becomes really impossible to do.
Maybe this is the problem? If you play on old gen consoles,due to unstable framerate,skillchecks are much more harder to do and it can seem unfair,but in reality,players who are even remotely experienced,laugh when they see a doctor,as he is considered one of the weak characters of the roster.
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As you said "YOU need a nerf on doctor", but do you know what it means in general? You need to get better in hitting the skillchecks. I like going against Doctor with merciless storm because its kinda funny how the skillcheck is warping all over my screen and its still possible to do it. Tbh it is the only killer who can use merciless storm because this perk is just bad. Its not that hard to hit the skillchecks. And MS triggers just once, so i don't see any problems.
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Doctor is not impossible to beat. I used to main the guy and you really see his flaws the more you play against good survivors. The base shock range is quite short, so maintaining distance and delaying him works pretty well. Apart from that, his map pressure is not the best. It's there and it can help him get the upper hand but really madness tier 1 and 2 don't do anything as long as you can land skill checks, which really isn't too hard (admittedly Overcharge and Merciless Storm I sometimes mess up too).
He can be quite overwhelming for inexperienced or "bad" survivors, though. You playing for over a year doesn't say much. There are people with thousands of hours in the game that are ok-ish at the game overall (like myself, probably) and others, who only have a few hundred hours but are insanely good. It depends on how well you play against the Doctor, whether or not you win the game.
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I enjoy Dark Devotion on Doctor myself, though my current build is Hysteria w/ Plaything, Pentimento, and Retribution. Static Blast can hit Oblivious Survivors.
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I enjoy the aura read addon with Lethal Pursuer, it just works.