New face-camp update MAY possibly promote genrushing

Yes, It may even be possible to gen rush efficiently on solo queue, I reckon there will be a lower amount of players going for unhooks, rather only 1 going and allowing the rest of the team to crack gens, it will be quite difficult to apply pressure as a killer without tunneling
Thats really a stretch. Why should Survivors suddenly become more efficient? Especially against a non-camping Killer?
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less pressure by the killer, do not need 2+ players to try and unhook a survivor
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Tunneling and camping are the maximum pressure on one survivor and the least amount of pressure on the other survivors you can possibly have without being literally afk.
If you do nothing but stand at a hook or wait for an unhooker (or the unhook), you dedicate your time to the 2 survivors who are already not doing gens, leaving the other 2 completely alone and free of any danger whatsoever...
What do you genuinely think the other 2 are going to do if they don't see the killer? Stand there afk waiting politely near a hook for you? They're going to do gens if they want to survive.
Leave the hook and chase a survivor who would otherwise do gens. After a year of gen kick meta, I don't think I can say this loud enough: gens aren't the killer's objective in this game, the survivors are.
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Sure, IF the killer camps.
That's the whole idea, if the killer is refusing to move away from the hook, the other survivors can slam gens and the hooked survivor can still get themselves off and at least play an active role in occupying the killer.
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Yes but at the same time if it were the optimal play for Killer to facecamp literally every match as soon as they hook someone the game would literally be dead, the game would be beyond boring.
Killers do not want to sit in front of the hooks unless they are forced to, and clearly the game isnt forcing them to because there are other methods of gaining pressure (e.g. tunneling) that are more engaging for the Killer (and Survivors).
Also I am having to remind people that the system isnt even out yet, we should wait until the system is out to try it out ourselves.
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How they do not need unhook? If killer is not camping, hooked survivor can't unhook themself. That means one of the survivors have to go and unhook them.
Oh you are meaning camper killers won't get free kills anymore, they actually have to play game? Yes, that's correct.
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If the Killer is camping, this is true. But this is also the purpose of the change, to make camping less viable and in general weaker.
But it will not change that Survivors, especially Solo, try to get the Unhook.
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Don't camp? It means this change does absolutely nothing.
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"MAY possibly" weights far less than "DEFINETELY common", which is camping.
I really hope tunneling will be next target.
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I mean if the killer is actually face camping then yeah survivors are gonna be much more likely to just sit on gens and wait for the basekit Deli.
If the killer isn't camping then I don't see how it would be any different than now.
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If the killer is camping then sure. If they're not, which is the goal, then that survivor will need rescuing. One survivor will go and do that, another will be engaged in chase with the killer, and that leaves one free to sit on gens.
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Can you say this a little louder? Killers are so fixated on the damn generators when they should be obsessed with the survivors. Every improve they’ve received points to BHVR trying to remind them that pursuing survivors—not regressing generators—is their functional goal.
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I think what your saying is, "If a killer is camping then the survivor can just jump off the hook by themselves". Which is yes. That's the plan.
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Killer players mechanically bad at the game or not confident with their ability to chase brought that to themselves. Keep bringing those new mechanics at the game.
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yeah clearly they just don't want killers camping at all. It not exactly soppose to be a fair mechanic. I don't really camp much myself so idc one way or another to be honest