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Midwich Elementary Three Gens In One Hallway Same Floor

AtoTimber Member Posts: 84

Playing on Steam and we loaded into a match of Midwich (killer brought offering) and halfway through the game I went on a gen at the end of the hallway and discovered three gens visible all in one hallway

I did bring the Tome 5 Pustula Flower archive challenge so this could possibly be related, although it uses totem spawns not gens, but worth mentioning.

This video shows the hallway with all three gens clearly visible

And this video shows the route I took to get to the gen because it shows important rooms so you can see which hallway it is (ignore my commentary pls)

please fix, this gen spawn possibility is just ridiculous, especially if you were vs a killer with range or someone particularly good at holding 3gens

midwich should probably have custom gen spawn rules or something because of the long hallways without LoS blockers


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