Ghostface is total trash bully material.

So he's an m1 killer. His stealth means close to zero on out door maps. He loses his stalk progress when he hits survivors and can be booted out of his power from a bush half way across the map.
I still don't understand how anyone puts him over Myers on tier lists. No one is safe from body blocks at the exit gate rush if Myers is in tier 3. If you mark someone with Ghostface they can be body blocked by a teammate to safety. Myers add ons are better with broken add ons to boot. Everytime I play Ghostface i feel like I have zero control over anything. I try hit and run Ghostface and stalk management Ghostface and they both feel like ######### and take to long with gen speed.
With Nurse and Blight in the game why can't we make it so Ghostface keeps his stalk progress after hitting someone? Is that really broken with Nurse and Blight in the game in their current form? Why can't Myers get a PWYF stack when in tier 3 and break pallets faster? When are they going to buff these killers (m1 killers)?? They're to busy buffing an A tier killer with anti loop already who's a tunneling God, Pyramid Head. What the hell are the devs actually doing?!?!? People want the outdated crap killers buffed for ages not killers that are already good!
When you start chase, stalk progression all reset? I thought he can 99 for next chase.
Right, Pyramid can range M2 into Mori, no need to deal with flashlight, DS. Its weird.
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If you have someone say at 75% stalk and hit them they become injured but you lose the stalk progress you had on them. So if you lose the chase and they go off and heal you have to start the stalk progress over. This can happen often because he's an m1 killer and his power goes on cooldown so sometimes you can't top off the stalk quick on the survivor so you have to hit them or waste time just leaving them and going after someone else.
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So its only reset if you hit them? Means if others are 99 and not hitting them, the progression still stay?
Thats more reasonable.
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It sounds like there are some things you're missing on Ghostface.
You actually can't body block a Ghostface if his power is off cooldown. His model doesn't have collision when he's stalking. Just tap M2 to phase through a would-be body blocker.
Yes, there are some situations where you have to hit someone you have at +75%. But it's rare for that situation to come up and for your power to be on a full cooldown at the same time. Duck behind something and lean to stalk them the rest of the way if you have to engage them.
One of his green add ons immediately recharges his power when you break a pallet. Run that add on.
He's only going to go as far as your M1 killer mechanics take you though. If you aren't solid at basic M1 stuff, Ghostface can be tricky.
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the problem is losing a down to m1 stalk reset is difference between winning a match and losing a match. 1 down can make all difference.
I have been almost wanted to make monthly posts to beg BVHR to remove stalk reset m1 removal interaction but every time I have tried to write the post. I immediately clicked off the post comment button.