BHVR wont admit it but

Adaez Member Posts: 1,234

I'm pretty sure the last chapter which was the Skull merchant made more people quit than actually join the game, maybe they will finally realize that releasing content every 3 months doesn't equal more players, stable playerbase if said content makes the game worse.

The game could have easily break through 100k players on average if they took those 3 months, even the last 6 to fix the game and take their time to think more about the ideas of the chapters they wanna bring in so they wont be so awful and actively do more bad to the game than good.

What's even the point of releasing new content if the vast majority hates it?


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,426

    The community won’t admit it though I feel like many of those complaining would stop playing if we didn’t get new content in such short spans. You could just go back and look at midchapter update feedbacks where there was mostly balance/QoL content - the community complained even more than usual..

    also, at least for this year, the content updates are already set - many of which are licensed and those won’t get major delays…

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,060

    We can't know this for sure until the new killer is released. The majority of the feedback is positive. Will it be a gamechange? Perhaps. Or perhaps even with the new killer complaints will be made and the playerbase will decrease or stagnate.

    One thing is for sure: the roadmap clearly indicated they intend to keep releasing new content in every season.

  • JonOzzie16
    JonOzzie16 Member Posts: 203

    The only time I consider shutting the game off for good is if I get multiple Knight matches in a row. I cannot stand going against this killer. It's truly mind numbing gameplay. Skull merchant isn't even that bad.

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,234

    Every single Skull Merchant game is the same gen camp, drags the game forever and you cant do anything about it.

  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 518

    have you tried repairing the generator?

    serious survivors repair the generator 16 times faster than the killer can regress it

    and SM is just an M1 killer

    If you are wounded, the drones absolutely do not interfere with repairing the generator (or if you are not injured, then spend 3 seconds to destroy the drone)

  • JonOzzie16
    JonOzzie16 Member Posts: 203

    Yeah but at least I can have some decent chases. Not just holding W at every loop because he's spamming his power.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 950

    I think the current roadmap proves they are willing to slowdown content, with survivor only chapters they aren't introducing a whole new power and set of interactions into the game, probably giving them more breathing room for balance and health changes. One would hope at least.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,238

    Yknow people keep saying this but it can be disproved SO easily with what we got for Fall of 2022.

    Project W's midchapter didn't nec have much content. Even if we just received probably one of the most well received chapters in DbD's history, people were already expressing their concerns about the lack of content in the upcoming mid chapter since we knew from the get go the Finisher Mori wasnt going to make it to live in its current itteration.

    Then came Forged in Fog which was a pretty poorly received chapter (still is) and it came with literally nothing else. Barely anybody played The Knight due to how buggy he was and he just didnt have a playstyle many enjoyed.

    There was a "content drought" for the large majority of the playerbase for roughly 3 months. For most, that was enough to rile them up.

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,234

    They will kill their own game if they release bad content just for the sake of releasing it.

    This is not the way.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,238

    Bad content is subjective, just because you dont like something doesnt mean others share the same opinion

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,234

    Not all, but the vast majority hated the last 2 chapters.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,238

    And that was mainly because of the meta at that time

    Knight was (and still is pretty decent) probably the best 3 gen killer when released. When paired up with CoB, Overchage and Eruption it made him infuriating to go against. Then Skull Merchant came out and sure Eruption was gone, but CoB and Overcharge remained. Her playstyle also being more territorial made her also pair up very well with the gen kick perks which kind of overshadowed Knight.

    Nowadays, Knight isnt really complained about anymore and Merchant complaints also died down quite a bit since the gen kick meta was gutted.

    Its like how Freddy when he initially had his rework was hated because of how well he synergized with the meta at that time. Perks are a BIG factor

  • Veroles
    Veroles Member Posts: 868

    I see that as a myth. What does it actually mean that more people quit than actually joined the game? Is this related to active players or does it really mean that more people have left in the recent past than actually joined?

    What appears to be true is that the active player base has been reduced somewhat by the latest DLC.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 8,917

    The game has kept a stable ~30k player base according to stream charts. The game is far from dying and a laclluster chapter isn't enough to kill the game.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,390

    The game could have easily break through 100k players on average if they took those 3 months

    I assume you mean by 100k you are discussing the steam player count, because they are already well over that number when looking at the various services people play this game on.

    The idea that DbD could triple their player count though is a fantasy. The game is only appealing to those interested in asymmetrical style elimination multiplayer games, then that is limited by those interested in the horror genre. On top of that, from that limited group, many have played DbD over the last 7 years and grown bored with it (inevitable).

    Basically, the game has tapped the vast majority of its potential player pool. Sure, you'll have new people appear for a variety of reasons, but there is not a giant surge of players out there waiting to buy the game.

    So could you attract back the old players? Probably not in any reliable way, once people move on from a game they might come back to it from time to time, but very rare for it to become their primary game again. Much like how anniversaries will see a surge but it will only last a short period of time.

    This doesn't even get into the idea that any 'fix' is subjective (beyond bugs and removing cheating). Like everyone, I have my own 'dream DbD' game design, but am well aware there are current players who would hate the game I would make. Any fix would be similar, you'll energize some portion of the player base, but likely lose others. Given that risk it makes sense that BHVR slow walks their game changes.