Killer DC = minimum safety pip for survivor

I've noticed that when a killer DCs early in the game that this can result in a de-pip for the survivor. I think this should be changed to a minimum safety pip. It seems odd to punish a survivor for the DC.
Depipping needs to be gone totally its just so freaking stupid, if your team mates are too good and the killer gets almost no hook and even if u did the gens and survives= depip. Most dumbest thing ever.
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Perhaps the whole ranking system needs to be reexamined.
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I never knew you could actually de-pip as a survivor when a killer DC's. That really is dumb.
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Always has been.
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It's the same for killers.
Survivor DC / kill themselves on hook?
Game see too few hook stages and depips ya.
Even worse than that, do REALLY WELL on killer and get a 4K? No pip.