survivors hiding

ili Member Posts: 71

there had to be a mechanic you spend about 2 minutes without chasing anyone, you can see the aura of the survivors, and the survivors see the aura of the killers, at the end of the game, when there are 2 survivors left, and they hide the whole game, it's very difficult to find the survivors, especially on large maps, killers like the doctor have no problem with this.


  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    Hiding survivors are such a problem on any map really. You just want the game to be over but nope.

  • Pavel_Ch
    Pavel_Ch Member Posts: 241

    I suggested returning the closed hatch for the last 2 survivors with the ability to escape only 1. so many tears were shed in the comments that the topic drowned.

  • pigslittlepet
    pigslittlepet Member Posts: 483

    That's one of the only times I slug for the 4k. If they want to hide and hope I kill there teammate so they can hatch out I'm not going to help. Alot of times at the end of I find one person trying to do gens and the other one hiding I'll let the one work while I hunt the hider down and kill them. Then I let the one who actually tried hatch out.