I feel like I can't "play fair" anymore

I happen to play with a lot of lower tier killers (because many of the strong ones are abhorrently boring to play imo) and usually play in a way that I would want a killer to play. Game after game for the past few days has felt so awful. But as of late, it feels like no matter what killer I play, no matter what style of play I do, it doesn't matter. I've been averaging less than 1 kill a game within the last week. I usually don't camp, tunnel, NOED, use strong addons, or "hit and run" style builds. Every time I get the first down, there's already 3+ generators complete, and I feel like I can't keep up in the slightest.

I have a lot of gametime under my belt but every situation just fails and I end up either giving up or just disconnecting because the survivors outplayed me tenfold, and I did everything I could.

I'm afraid to even touch some killers now because their MMR has been raised to the point where I can't play them without having my ######### pushed in.

What the hell do I do?


  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    edited May 2023

    Do a string of friendly games. Be active enough to not be reported as plain afk-ing, but don't kill anyone.

    That should bring you back to an mmr you can have fun at.

    Whenever there's a recent nerf to one side or the other (in this case, nerf to regression + HUD I would guess), mmr has to reevaluate where you belong under those new circonstances. It's normal that you would have a time needed to adapt.

    If your objective is just to have fun and not to win, you will for sure eventually find a spot in mmr where you can.

    I've been playing very relaxed for a while, giving hatch and sometimes having full on friendly games (which I happen to enjoy), and my mmr is staying at a level where games are very manageable for me if I give a little effort, generally as Legion, Hag, Ghostface and sometimes Nemesis.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    You keep playing how you're playing and just try to have fun best you, change your playstyle and start running builds geared towards success, or just take a break for a while.

    The game is pretty optimized at this point so if you're trying to play killer as a causal experience you're gonna take more L's than W's. You can't really afford to make any mistakes or over commit to any one chase. Lower tiered killers are just struggling in general in the current meta and take a lot more focus and skill to use. Lower tiered killers have to sort of be played a bit sweaty. If you want to have really comfortable games you may need to start playing higher end killers more often, but even then there is a limit.

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 707

    It's 1 kill average for non-sweaty killers who are below S tier. Don't be surprised about it. That's what killer experience is about right now.

    Currently the entire sense of balance is around you getting either complete potatoes or hardcore diehards. Rarely a mix of both. So one game you will win unless you refuse to and another one you will lose regardless of what you do. You can try to resist this but unless you play only same S tier killer with S tier addons on best maps for that killer - 50% hellhole shall be your home.

    This is the trend and goal of devs which they have successfully achieved for majority of players.

  • Witchubtet
    Witchubtet Member Posts: 642

    I know the feeling, I can’t run fun builds anymore because gens fly like kites in a hurricane, but I found a way to make it fun. Pick your favorite killer and just put on everything that sounds like it could be fun. Then try to communicate with a survivor. They can become your friend while you do things like chase through weird areas or if you want to explore and find things like chests or Totems.

    I love your name.

  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 679
    edited June 2023

    If you're struggling to get a down before three gens are done then you really need to be running lethal pursuer in every match.

    That first down before a gen goes is probably the most important thing you can do as a killer to start applying instant pressure. I honestly think early pressure is the most effective way to win matches and best of all you don't ever have to rely on boring gen regression builds. Pair lethal pursuer with aura perks and you can keep that pressure up constantly throughout the whole game.

    I went through a phase of playing every killer with only lethal pursuer just to practice getting better at early game pressure. I would normally go for the closest target and take a mental note of the next 2 closest survivors. A quick down and then move to the next survivor location and start a second chase normally within the first minute of the game. You effectively render 3 survivors off gens playing like this and quite often you will get a second down before even 1 gen is done. After that you just need to maintain that pressure and more often than not you'll snowball games because the constant injury and hook pressure is too much to handle.

    Lethal pursuer is a heavily underated perk and I don't know why more people don't use it.

    I play a lot of lower tier killers also by the way. Deathslinger is pretty much my main and very rarely run him with any meta or regression perks.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    I never expect to win on low tier killers. Just play them for fun chases. Of course i can hard tunnel from the start and expect 2k vs good players, but i'm bored from it and have no fun.

    But yeah survivors most often do not appreciate "fair" play and take it as your weakness, tbag on the gates even if you played as "fair" as possible. After such matches, I go to the next match and play as dirty as possible with people who probably didn't deserve it.

    Invest your time in high tier killers more, that's my advice.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    I’m sorry, but if you are playing weaker Killers and not using any strategy or strong add ons to give you at least one advantage, you’re going to find yourself constantly losing.

    The game isn’t balanced for hooks currently, it’s balanced around Kills. Taking multiple Ls and getting to a “lower “ MMR doesn’t mean anything because the game can and will backfill you into a strong lobby irregardless.

    If you continue to feel frustrated with your current playstyle, I suggest taking a break and coming back when Killer is in a better spot.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Just 8 hooks and dont kill anyone. If you try harder, the game would become more stress. I mean, you can try hard to get hook but dont kill, its also work

    Ignore BM, its the root for Killers trying so hard and lead to MMR they should not be.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    Do we still even lose MMR anymore? Last week with the plus bloodpoints I played Doctor with the farming build, 0-1k ing for like 10-20 matches and my survivors skill doesn't seem to be dropping. I did have one Meg drop shack pallet in first chase, but otherwise most folks focus gens, hold W, predrop etc. I feel like the MM system is just bugged.

    As to OP:

    Same. I don't know what they've put into the water, but with M1 killers I literally need to tunnel from the first second if I want to 4k. If I don't, I might get one lucky endgame kill.

    For the record, I've never partaken in the Eruption/COB/OC meta and just ran passive slowdown, but those seem to have stopped working. Or at the very least my survivors are super efficient and coordinated. I also almost always see multiple Adrenaline's proc, sometimes timed way too suspiciously perfectly to be done by SoloQ randos, but that might just be the salt.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I don't know if MMR still works, but I don't see why it wouldn't at the moment ?

    Though I do see a lot of people saying their matches are weird, I don't know if it's genuinely a game problem or them needing to adapt to the changes that came recently.

    I haven't played a lot of killer in public lobbies recently, just a couple hours earlier this week on Legion, a killer who's always had a pretty average mmr on my end because they're my "have fun, adopt survivors, have parkour races" unwind kind of killer. I had three comfortable 4Ks in a row when I picked them back up, with a very aura--oriented build with little regression (Lethal, BBQ, I'm All Ears/Lightborn, Surge).

    So I don't think there's any shortage of casual survivors.

    Maybe you've been unlucky ?

  • reapr_hashtag_9902
    reapr_hashtag_9902 Member Posts: 11

    Play funny, don't play to win. Its really that easy

  • MimiDBD
    MimiDBD Member Posts: 302

    Why is the 3 gen popping first chase crap showing up in so many threads? OP I'm sorry you are struggling but you are going for 12 hooks with m1 killers so things won't always be peaches and cream. Not to mention losing 3 gens means nothing. As each gen is completed your responsibility decreases. Meaning the map shrinks for you with each gen completed. The amount of stalemates I have caused at 2 or less gens is overwhelmingly high. Just remember you are handicapping yourself playing the way you are (which is fine I do the same) but the game will not always play out the way you want it to doing this.

    Relax and go next.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,105

    Use lethal.

  • KingFieldShipper
    KingFieldShipper Member Posts: 613

    It's 1 kill average for non-sweaty killers who are below S tier. Don't be surprised about it.

    ?? So..... where did you pull that number out of? The last official stats for top 5% mmr show a 56% kill rate on trapper, who is the lowest. Nurse being the lowest at 52% otherwise. So seems to me the average is at least a 2k.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966

    unless the survivors are smart about which gens they start with, and preemptively break up any 3 gens. cant patrol 3 gens on opposite ends of mother"s dwelling.

    3 gens popping in first chase is also a massive demoralizer, thats a significant chunk of objective in very little time. I get your point, but its not really that simple unless they allow a 3 gen to happen, and even then that can be pretty boring depending on how often it happens. Either way, hearing those three dings so early just feels really bad.

  • Pluto_1
    Pluto_1 Member Posts: 337

    Funny enough, 8 hooks without a kill is usually harder than a snowball.

    What's BM?

  • MikeyBoi
    MikeyBoi Member Posts: 544

    “Because many of the strong ones are abhorrently boring” You just answered your own question as to why you are always getting a 1k game after game..

  • MimiDBD
    MimiDBD Member Posts: 302

    I understand that. Not really my issue. My issue is the majority who reacts like the match is over because of it. Could it be? Sometimes.....most times the party is just getting started.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966

    3/5.5 objective vs 1/12th of objective is a pretty massive differential. Youre not wrong that the gens are designed to progress slower the less there are to work on/people on hooks, but in practice thats extremely hypothetical. I would call it less getting started and more needing to start sweating to catch up, which is why theres always so much doom and gloom about it (short of endgame builds i suppose.)

  • scoser
    scoser Member Posts: 522

    I'd say eventually you'll drop to an MMR that'd work better for you, but MMR is set up to prioritize queue times instead of skill-matching, so you can still run into juiced up 4-man SWFs even after a 20 game loss streak.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Kind of a variant of the 'friendly game' post, but compartmentalize matches. By this I mean recognize where you could win a match by playing 'unfair', then 'win' in your mind, and take the 'losing' move instead. You know you could have won if you took the easy road Tunneling the baby Mikaela, and you are just trying to find out if you could win against these specific opponents by taking the hard road chasing after the juicer Bill instead. If you do win, the victory tastes sweeter, and if you lose, you know you coulda won anyways, so you actually let them win.

    This results in one of two things more or less. The first result is you lose MMR/matches until you reach a point where you can win by playing that way, like the 'friendly Killer' suggestion. The second result is you end up winning despite choosing the uphill battle, which is basically the first result's ending, but you reached it early.